Daily message

Goodmorning! Today the message from God and the angels is as follows:
From the book I am reading on " Integral Optimism and Happiness",by Charles Alphonse, I quote: " Think of those beautiful persons like our parents and grandparents who have whispered into our ears so many ' love and motivational whispers'.

Hi my treasure I love you
You are my everything
Love you dear son/daughter
We are there for you honey
You are a big gift to us
You are our hope
You can do and you will
I am with you; we are with you, keep going
Fear not for God is at your side
" Every morning before getting up from the bed take a comfortable posture like a little toddler or baby remaining on the bed while sleeping. You may touch both your cheeks with your palms and keep one leg over the other. It is said to be the fetal posture to strengthen the Inner Child."

Just a few words of wisdom from the book I am reading on Zen , the art of simple living: " In Zen temples, monks do cleaning every morning and every evening. We clean with all our heart, though not because the temple is dirty. The purpose is not only to make the temple sparkle, but also to polish our minds through the act of cleaning.

With every sweep of the broom, you clear out the dust in your mind.

With every swipe of the cloth, your heart gleams brighter.

This applies to your desk at the office as well as the rooms in your home. Do not allow yourself to be disrupted by your anxieties or troubles-the key to keeping your mind invigorated is first put the things around you in order."

Have a nice day! buona giornata!


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