Daily message

The message from God and the angels is, " If you continually imagine yourself having a'meaningful career that supports you and your family financially, emotionally, and spiritually, then this is a sign that your life purpose involves this type of work. And yet it's not enough to dream. Action is required. However, it isn't that simple , is it? Otherw8se you'd already be on your way.

From the book on St.Ignatius of Loyola by Fr.Xavier Anthony SJ in Englishand tamil, I quote, " Ignatius saw hidden secrets of a soul as well as the future as a prophet would see it. He predicted events with the help of the Virgin Mary."

When I lived in California,when I was going through tough times in my life, I used to visit this " Our Lady of peace church" in Santa Clara, California, very often, sometimes during the night vigil Adoration as a volunteer just to say a decade of the Rosary.

From the book by David Viscott,I quote," Dont be afraid to make mistakes.You only learn from your mistakes. Your successes don't teach you very much. Life is always changing. Your success could have been luck. You're sure to fail if you only try to imitate old successes and never risk enough to make mistakes.Your biggest successes evolve through your failures. You can learn from the mistakes of others, but you only grow through making your own.Your mistakes point out your flaws, teach you to have confidence in your strengths and have a healthy respect for your humanness."

Have a blessed day! Buona giornata!
Image Courtesy: Annie Vanitha


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