Daily message

I read a testimony about "Angel Roadside assistance"...
It is about a plastic bucket that got stuck under a car and tire.The woman decided to call her father for help. She also prayed to Archangel Michael.I quote,"As I was about to make the phone call to my dad, a van pulled up next to me, and the two men inside asked if I needed help. I said," Yes, please! So they jacked up my car and removed the bucket. As they were doing so, I realised that the angels had answered my prayers for help. While we were putting the tools away, we started chatting. One of the men told me that his name was Abdul, and the other man was his brother,who'd just come to Australia from Lebanon. His name was Michael! He then said that it was Michael who saw me on the side ofcthe Road and told Abdul to pull over so they could help me....of course, Archangel Michael, and have not doubted his helpful powers since!

From the book on zen living,I quote," It seems that, nowadays, people care only about superficial relationships. The wider their range of acquaintances, the better. Networking is the key. In the business world, of course, this is very important.

But in your personal life, it doesn't matter if your circle of friends is small.I don't expect there to be many people whom I can confide in. It is more enriching to build one meaningful relationship than to amass one hundred insubstantial connections. At least, that's my opinion.

The word of God today from the book I am reading on the twenty-second week in ordinary time...Jesus and the Nazarenes. I quote that Jesus ," We begin by noting that Jesus receives mixed reviews from persons in his
home town. At first they are proud of him and of his eloquence, but Jesus is not content to let them bask in the rays of this most shallow of all sources of self-worth. Worth by association counts for nothing if it is not complemented by faith and good works.

" How much self worth do you derive from supporting certain athletic teams? From belonging to certain civic organisations? From your cultural heritage? From your denomination?

What source of self-worth does Jesus call us to embrace? Ask for this grace.

have a blessed day! Buona Giornata!

10Image Courtesy: World Travel Adventures


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