Daily message

The word of God today is
Psalm 85:8-9
New International Version
8 I will listen to what God the Lord says;
he promises peace(A) to his people, his faithful servants—
but let them not turn to folly.(B)
9 Surely his salvation(C) is near those who fear him,
that his glory(D) may dwell in our land

The message from Seraphim Angels is to pray for any any forthcoming natural disasters. I heard a Capuchin priest talk this morning. The phrase t9day is to pray for " 🌎world peace".

The message from God and the angels is, I quote" Let your talents shine! Archangel Jophiel will help you realise your latent talents and take you on a journey of self discovery. Perhaps you have always wanted to do a particular thing but have never had the confidence to develop it. Meditation with Archangel Jophiel will help you find the confidence and bring you to a deeper knowledge of yourself. By finding the beauty that is within, you can create that beauty in your surroundings. Archangel Jophiel will help you to find the determination and ability to pursue your chosen hobby and dreams, and with the help of angels, who knows where that will lead!

12In my family, my mother especially taught us humility when we were growing up so that we don't feel proud of ourselves. From my experience, later in life that could develop into inferiority complex if we are not surrounded by the right people in our family life who can take advantage of that fact. There is competitive domain both in family life and career. As the movie name goes, there is good, bad and ugly psychology in all domains. My question to the spiritual psychologists out there is how do we handle all these domains? 13have a blessed day!buona giornata!
14creation of art: Annie Vanitha


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