Daily message

The word of God today is:
Psalm 89:7-8
New International Version
7 In the council(A) of the holy ones(B) God is greatly feared;
he is more awesome than all who surround him.(C)
8 Who is like you,(D) Lord God Almighty?(E)
You, Lord, are mighty, and your faithfulness surrounds you.

Today I read a testimony which goes on like this. A woman who could afford only a little bought a house that was unsold since it was haunted for several reasons. She did some energy clearance and even asked an fengshui expert to do the work to remove the negativity surrounding her family and home. Even that expert concluded that she needs to call a specialist to perform an exorcism. That is something that cannot be looked up in the yellow pages.I quote," It was in one of these bookstores that I happened upon an illustration of Archangel Michael in a brilliant stained_glass panel of an English church.The gilt _ edged book mentioned prayers for calling upon the archangels assistance whom dealing with " daemons"....The book said: Michael is the Prince of the heavenly armies. The faithful call upon him in all dangers of soul and body and implore his intercession at the hour of death that their souls may by him be brought before the throne of God."

.....Archangel Michael stood in front of me, shielding me with his great wings and huge aura of burning white light.The souls that had gathered before him seemed calm in his presence.I then noticed that he was directing them to move off to the right, where a small opening of light was growing brighter."

13The book also says ," I'd been raised in a diluted Christian tradition, which placed no emphasis on the dramatic presence of archangels."

14From the book on Integral Optimism and Happiness 😊, I quote ," In the world of expertise and specialization we are sometimes in danger of losing the Integral approach. This happens in all aspects of life and particularly well-being and healing.Once I happened to listen to a lady who said that she has been to many personal growth sessions and other healing methods but now she is lost because there is deep seated fear and delusion that she is not able to handle. She was trying to learn many things but what she failed to do was first heal her memories of the past. That she could integrally learn a few things that are essential and leave out others that are not pertaining to her life journey.

From the book from Pauline publications, I quote: "The dictionary defines integrity as " an uncompromising adherence to a moral code." The word traces its origins to a Latin term meaning " untouched". When you live in integrity, your life will definitely be untouched and unshaken by altered circumstances. " Integrity is the essence of everything sucessful," said renowned designer and philosopher Buckminster Fuller. It is the key to great buildings and to our lives. The challenges we face are like a extreme weather that tests a building. Integrity will determine our strength".

16have a blessed day!bu9na giornata!

Image Courtesy: Matt Bango


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