About Me


I am Annie Vanitha and a catholic ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONER ® certified by Doreen Virtue, PhD.I am an alternative therapy healer and an art therapist as well. . I am an Integral Optimist by nature.My spiritual director is Charles Alphonse, the author of the book," Integral Optimism and Happiness".
I have had a beautiful connection with Angels all through my life and I have felt the divine presence of God through these beautiful messengers of heaven many times in my life. Its been my passion in the recent years to know more about these angels in every way possible and to communicate with the angelic realm to solve the issues and chaos of life .I believe strongly that my main life purpose on earth is to be a healer, an instrument in bringing the divine love I experience everyday to the world.

May God and the angels bestow their divine love and light and infinite blessings upon you!

May you be filled with love, joy, peace, happiness and abundance in your lives!


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