Daily message

hello t9 all my readers!
when i lived in US, for a few montgs, i used to go for sri ram chandra mission meetings. sometimes i used to spend the day with Mrs. Shilpi Atul, who alimg with her husband used to conduct meetings in their home.i used to watch over their s3cond baby biy, who was new birn at that time, so that she could wrire her memoirs of the guruji from hindi to englush.
sometimes looking at my fatigue and tiredness, we used to go to the nearby parks for fresh air refreshment. AT TIMES SHE USED T9 SHARE HER BREAKFAST WITH ME MADE OUT OF SABBUDHANI AND POHA AND POTATO AND SALT.
Learning to do meditations is a step towards holiness. As Pope Francis said, all are calked to live a holy life. today in our sunday mass, I HEARD THE PRIEST SAYING THAT THERE ARE TWO THINGS ESSENTIAL IN LIFEM.ONE IS T9 WELCOME ALL AND THE OTHER IS TO SHOW HOSPUTALITY TO OTHERS.


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Daily message