
Showing posts from 2022

Daily message

GOODAFTERNOON! the message from God and the angels is as follows: I quote," Kohvakka, who has spent more time living outside Finland தான் in one place in the country, considers herself rootless, but says that she really likes being in Finland now because when it comes ti climate change, its so easy to find like-minded people who are addressing the same issues- one's own thine , சி to speak." I feel like ஹெல்சின்கி is a climate change leader, as there are so மாமி people who are so aware and on the same page," she says. that eco-awareness can be as simple as knowing to look critic அழகி beyond green வாஷிங்டன். " its important to be aware of tge facts because there can be, for example, napkins that are டேட்டா பிரவுன் so they appear more ecolog8cal.this leads people to think that they are doing in ekoteko-thatvis, something ecological_ when in fact thats not the case," Kohvakka says. another 3xamole is the false labelinh of products as biodegrafable or natural. ...

Daily message

Goodmorning! " Apatheists" READ: recelation 3:14-18 " Because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you outl of My mouth." _ Revelation 3:16 from " Our daiky bread"... 6te bibke in one year: Esther 3 - 5 @cts 5:22-42 9ms5 people profess belief in God, meaning they are theists. true atheism is a rarity. 1rcently, however, it has been suggested that we need a new term for the multitude who are theistd but are ind8fferent to God in daily living. they ought to be called apatheists. that word is built on the noun apathy, which means" indifference ", a sort of sluggish unconcern. and sadly, whatever belieg an individual pr9fesses, he may be living as an apatheist. his faith may make onky a mimimal dofference in hus behavor. 1te apostle john recorded that jesus describef the church at Laodicea as neither hot nor cold( Revelation 3:16 ) they were lukewarm or, as we might say, they were apatheists. 1watcabout those ofvus who ...

Daily message

Goodmorning! from " Our daiky bread "... thorns or roses? read: numbers 14: 1-11 when the people complained, it displeased the Lord. - Numbers 11:1 two boys were eating some grapes. one of them remarkable, " Arangetram they sweet!"" I guess so", the otger replied," but they are full of seeds." wondering inti a garden, the first boys 3xclaimed , " look at those big, beautiful red roses!" the other committed " they're full of thorns@" it was a warm day, so they stopped at the store for a சாஃப்ட் drink. After several swallows, the second youngster complained, " My bottles half-empty already." The first quickly responded, " mind's still half-full!". many people are like the negative-thinkimg பாய் in this story. they always look at life through dark glasses. like the children of Israel in today's Scripture, they complain and grumble when they should be praisong the Lord fir His gracious provisi...

Daily message

Goodafternoon! the agony of the cross from our daiky breaf... read Isaiah 53 [jesus] humbked Himself and becanr obedient to the point 9f death, ev3b the death of the cross._Philippians 2:8 as Christians, we understand the spiritual sognif8canve of Christ's sacrifices at Calvary, but its easy to forget about the tremendous agony he endures there. the worst aspect was separation from the Fatger, but the physical suffering was also horribke beyond comprehension. in his book dare t9 believe , டான் baumann shares some thoughts tgat can deepen our gratitude fir what the saviour did for us. he wrote," We have perhaps unwisely and sometimes unconsciousky glamorized the cross. jewelry and steeples alike are ornamental and attractive but carry nothing of the real story of was the most painful death in the first century. the victim was placed on a wooden cross. nails...were டிரைவர் inti the hands and feel of the victim, and they the cross was lift3d and jarred inti t...

Daiky message

Goodmorning! from one of the seminars I attended years ago, " the physical permanent seed or life seed gives life to the physical body. from the hugher soul, soul life energy is infused inti the physicsl permanent seed from where itvis distributed unti the different inti thecdifferent par6s of the physicak bidy whole and also gives the abikity to absorb orans.once the soul life ebe4gy is withdrawn from the physical permanent seed, the body dies. the physical permanent seed becomes dim and pale red.....". physical permanent seed located in the heart chakra and physical health. from the earth book, " snowy owl" 5tis bird is a patient hunter, and uses its excellent eyesight and white campuflage t9 catch its favorite pret; lemmings. 7Iagr courtesy; Christmas tree at the Marina mall thankyou


goodmorning! READ Galatians 5:13-26 walk in the spirit, and you shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh._ Galatians 5:16 From our daily bread...on march 19... the internet is one of the most remarkable developments of our time. how astounding that with a few keystrokes you can find the address of Uncke Frank in schenrctady. new York, or the recipe for a Brazilian fish dish, or the statistics for your favorite athlete. ofcourse, the internet opens up a whole world of sinful choices as well. that's why mamy internet providers offer a service ti protect a famiky's computer from sites that promote immorality. one company used a comical-looking man dressed as a butterfly torepresent the service, and in an advertisement showed him shielding children from various immooral activities. 7cristians already have a similar resource, and it doesn't cost us a m9bthly fee. its notthe butte3fly man-it's the Holy Spirit? who lived in the heart of each we seek guidance fr...

Daily message

goodmorning! from the earth book by jonathan litt9n and illustrated by Thomas hegbrook... Poles l9cated at the ends of the planet, the pokes are incredibly cold, and species need clever adaptations to survive Herr due to the way the seasons work, each pole gets plunged inti darkness in winter, with no sunlight ay all for several months at the absolute extremes. albatross the albatross can glide and soar for hours without flapping it's huge eats fish and squid and eats salt water. Arctic tern the super-commuter travels all the way from the arctic to the antarctic each year - a round trip of more than 80,000 km( 50, 000 mi ) ! I would like to invite all my readers to browse the internet for some pictures of these birds for some info amd insights. or to look up in a book on ornithology....!if you belueve in miracles, you can see these in your neighborhood too! 1the message from God and the angels today is on environmental life purposes. " Thank...

Daily message

Goodmorninh! from the earth book... there are more than 300,000 plant species, ranging from wolffia, which is smaller than a grain of rice, to redwood trees reaching more than 100m( 330ft ) tall. trees are a subgroup of plants, characterised by having a trunk and branched. they are viral for maintaining oxygen levels in the atmosphere. 10. Horsetail the horse tail has no leaved or flowers, and the modern Version is closely related ti giant versions that thrived 270 million years ago. 11. bambio in order to reach sunlight in dense forests, this fadt-growing plant can shoot up by an astonishing 1m ( 3.3 ft ) in a si gke Dat! 12. pineapple pineapples grow on plants rather than trees and itctakes around three years for each fruit t9 fully ripen. 13. miracle fruit this small fruit is quite remarkablr- whatever you ear after it Wil taste sweet....even a lemon! it is very aptly named! 14. con8fer this ancient branch of the tree family dates back 290 milli9n years. the tallest an...

Daily message

Goodafternoon! From tge earth book.... 1. Potato Plant If you bury a potato in the ground, a pitato plant should grow above ground which will then produce more potatoes underground! 2. Maple tree maple trees have existed fir 100 milli9ntea4s.They produce a sugary sap called maple syrup, which is enjoyed worldwide. 3.Mistletoe this plant is a parasite tgat grows onbtge branches of trees or shrubs. it has root-like haustoria, which tap into the water and nutrients from the host tree. 4. Rhubarb there is a technique fo4 cultivating rhubarb in dark sheds - this'forced rhubarb' shoots up so quickly that you can hear it grow! 5. 'Doll's Eye' ( white Banbury) the unusual-loking berries on this plant are so poisonous to humans that earlting even a single berry could result in dearh 6. RICE rice requires a lot of water, so is grown by farmers in wet paddy fields. it is one of the world's most important food crops. 7. sunflower the sunflower's head turns...

Daily message

goodmorning! From " Our daily bread "... What's Your IDENTITY? READ Galatians 3:26-4:7 5How do people identify you? Do they say," Hey, there's the guy who sells cars." Or" That woman is a school teacher." When our oldest daughter was littlr, she sang on a national children's radio program, and I liked beimg known ad" Lisa Sue's dad." Since 1990, I've e joyed being" The Sports Spectrum guy" because of my work woth that magazine. We all have little titles that others use to identify us. Jesus askef Hos disciples, " who do men say that I am?" (mark 8:27). some thought He wasElijah or another prophet. But those who knew Him best said," You are the Christ" (v.29). that was the right labelfor the saviour of the world. 8wat are you called by those who know you best? do they say, " he's a followet of Jesus_ you can jus5 tell"? it may depend on how you talk with people, how you treat y...


Goodmorning! THINK TOGETHER 4RAD Philippians 4 : 4-13 5"If there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditatw on these things.- philippians 4:8 From " Our daiky bread " .... 7An executive of the world's largest toy maker said," We are such a machine in terms of what we deliver on an annual basis that it doesn't allow time to think." 8In an effort to stimulate creativity, this company is taking selected employees out of corporate headquarters and encouraging them to think together in new ways. For instance, when asked to devise a method to prevent an egg from breaking of being dropped from 14 feet, one group went beyond the conventional approach of trying to cushion it's fall and created an egg bungee cord. 9Wat about us? are our lives so focuses on activity and production that we dont tale time to think? In Paul's letter to the Philippians, he told them to meditate on things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and o...

Daily message

Buonagiornata! It's Christmas 🎄 season and time to make ornaments for the Christmas tree....! From a book, I read a story called, " Passing the hal8"..... "when one of earth's angels dropsher halo, it falls in the path of someone worthy of filling her shoes-or rather,her halo." the story involved talks aboit a mother who was busy,nonconformist mom, who had four teenagers and had time to study hermeneutics,the science of the interpreyationof the biblical text and when the mom grows old and develops Alzhiemers duesaease and had to gobthrough a surgeryn, jer daughter keeps wonderokg who the halo of the mom goes to, amd she ends up feeling thar the halo is pucked by the nurse who treats her m9n with kindness and generosity and who helps to maintain the dignity of the patient to her family around! Today the reflection on nature is a call to the people all over the workd to pick up their angel halos to protect the earth!

Daily message

Goodmorning! From the book ," The existence of God is self-evident" by Master choa kok sui , I quote, " 26. the solar logos was referred to by St.Paul when he said, " He is not far from us; for in Him, we live, and move, and have our being".( Acts 17: 27-28) 27. The presence od the Supreme God in our galaxy is called the Galactic Logos or the Galactic Parsbragman. The Golden age occurs when our solar system is nearest to the center of the galaxy, nearest to the Galactic Logos. The Dark Age occurs when it is farthest away. This truth have been taught by the Great Spiritual Teachers. 6bona giornata!

DAily message

Goodafternoon! From " Our daily bread "... STEADFAST SERVICE READ: Acts 20: 23-24 "Be steadfast, Immovable....knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." -1 Corinthiand 15:58 "a man named Abraham Davenport can teach us a lesson in steadfastness. On May 19, 1780, a mysterious phenomenon took place. Thick darkness( perhaps caused by smoke from forest fires combined with dense fog ) covered areas of New England. Filled with fear, many people thought the world was coming to an end. The Connecticut legislature was meeting that day, and many members were urging adjournmen5. Abraham Davenpirt , howevet , proclaimed to his colleagues," I am against adjournement. The day of judgement is either approachimg or it is not. If it is not, there is no cause for an adjournement; if it is, I choose to e found doing my duty. I wish therefore that candles may be brought." From the earth book, On the topic " Super Survivalists " I quote... TARDI...

Daily message

buonaseta! Goodevening! From a book by author Joseph Murphy, a passage from his book which is translated in tamil... have a blessed day brothers and sisters....!

Daily message

buongiorno! Just a few thoughts for reflection today: According to master choa kok sui, " Light, Love, Power and Clarity come from a strong spiritual connection." 4Hve a good day brotgers and sisters!

Daily message

Goodmorning! 2Baring a grudge READ Genesis 27: 35-41 You shall not...bear any grudge agaibst the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbour as yourself._ Leviticus 19:18 English essayist and critic Charles Lamb( 1775-1834) had this to say about a petson he did not want ti meet: " Don't introduce me to that man! I want to go on hating him, and I can't hate someone I know." Harboring malice robs us of close relationships with otgers.Jacob cheated his brother and stile his birthright.Understandably, Esau was angry. But what he dud with his anger becane a serious problem, not only for Jacob but for Esau himself. For years he harbored a deep resentment that robbed him of a warm relationship with his brotger. Grudges can also create a cold, icy environment in churches, and those often keeps people away. Pastor George Gardiner asked the members og a congregation he visited why their church wasn't growing. He received this reply: " There's a...

Daily message

Goodevening! From " Our daily Bread ".... The Right Signal READ: Matthew 14: 14 - 21 When Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them._ Matthew 14:14 It was a tragic mistake. On Juky 3, 1988, the guided-missile cruiser USS Vincent's shot down an Iranian airliner with 290 souls aboard. All were lost. The ship's captain mistakenly thought they were under attack by an F-14 Iranian fighter. Public opinion polls showed that most Americans opposed paying compensation to the victimss' families. The cruel treatment of American hostages in Iran was still fresh in many minds. But PresidentbReagan approved compensation. Asked by reporters if such payment would send the wrong signal, he replied," I don't ever find compassion a bad precedent." The principle of revenge is so much simpler to practice. Yet compassion IA Christ's way-a deep caring fir the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the whole person. ...

Daily message

Buongiorno! The Total Package Read Colossians 1: 19 - 23 From " Our daily bread "...! " Our family had lived in the same house for மாமி years, and ot was time fir a change of scenario. when we finally discovery a house we lived, we besan negotiate mg for its purchase. We had to find out if the refrigerator stayed. And the stove. But we knew some things were not going to stay. The furniture didn't come with the house. And I jokingly wonderful if we could keep the cats in the garbage. when you buy a house, you may not get the total Many things in life have purchase options. But that's not "How" it is with our faith in Jesus Christ. When Jesus purchase us with His Blood on தற் cross, He didn't get only a பிரைன் of us. He's not just the Lord of the religious stuff; He own everything. So why do wr sometimes live as if parts of us dont belong to Jesus? That's not fair to the பெயர். " You were bought at a price," St.பால் wrote. T...

Daily message

1Goodevening! From an email I got from a catholic cathedral in scitland, I quote the words whoch inspiredme: Blessing of the “Bambinelli” on Sunday 18th December The beautiful Advent Tradition, Bambinelli Sunday, was instituted by Saint Pope John Paul II during his Papacy. The tradition follows that on the last Sunday of Advent children and adults bring their Baby Jesus figures from their homes to Mass where they are blessed. Parishes around the world now join in the celebration, encouraging young children to make the connection between the Nativity set at home and the local church where they worship each weekend. Pope Francis says: “It helps children and young people to prepare for Jesus.” This year we will celebrate 'Bambinelli Sunday' on December the 18th. Please remember to bring your baby Jesus figures to Mass that Sunday for blessing. Today the message from God and the angels toall of us is to have a festive season filledwith climate consciousness and the 3 ...

Daily message

Goodmorning! bu9na giornata! Today I am inspired to talk about the "dragon"fly. A dragonfly is a flying insect belonging to the infraorder Anisoptera below the order Odonata. About 3,000 extant species of true dragonfly are known. Most are tropical, with fewer species in temperate regions. Loss of wetland habitat threatens dragonfly populations around the world. Adult dragonflies are characterized by a pair of large, multifaceted compound eyes, two pairs of strong, transparent wings, sometimes with coloured patches, and an elongated body. Many dragonflies have brilliant iridescent or metallic colours produced by structural colouration, making them conspicuous in flight. An adult dragonfly's compound eyes have nearly 24,000 ommatidia each. The message from God and the angels is," I quote... " The angels can help you with romance, whether you're in a committed relationship or single.If y9u're looking fir your soul material, the " romance angels...


இனிய காலை வணக்கம்! From a book by the best ஸ்பெல்லிங் author of Don't let anything டல் your sparkle, I quote " Creativity is half receptivity and half releasing,like the inhale and the exhales, each one following the other. It means that you're a conduitand mediator for the messages of the Divine that pass through you, regracted like a primary rainbow through a crystal.... To put it simply, you' ll need the courage ti show your creative project to otgers-especially if you intend to have a career in creativity. Treating your creative projdct impersonally helps to silence the fearful voice of the ego that quakes at the thought of criticism. This means, as I mentionef earlier, not defining yourself personally by any criticism. We ஒன்று become controlled by the ego once we personalised the creative project, claiming complete ownership over it, and believimg that 9f people like it, they like us- and if they dislike the project , they dislike us. yes, you put your heart ...

Daily message

GOODMORNING....! from " The Bhagavad Gita " by Geoffrey Parrinder... THE IMPERISHABLE BRAHMAN 4Arjuna said: 1 What's that Brahman? what pertains to soul?what are works? and how define whatever appertains ti beings? what app ertains ti thungs divine? 2 What is there concerning worship in this body, how proves it so? and how Yourself at time of death may those of governed spirit know? THE BLESSED LORD SAID: 3 Imperishable is highest Brahman , inborn nature for the soul, that which causes states of beings- Karma, which creates the whole. 4 In beings 'tis their perishable state, but Spirit for Divinity, and when this relates to worship here in the body that is Me. It is Sunday and the start of advent season and we had a mass services at our l9cal parish church. have a blessed sunday brothers and sisters!

Daily message

Goodmorning! 2i quote from a book... 38 SEEK NOT WHAT YOU LACK Be content with the here and now The quickest path to achieving results There is a saying," Summer fires and winter fans', which refers to untimely and useless th8ngs. But there will surely come a time when what is not immediately useful will be of use. I' Mt talking about the importance of waiting patiently for the right moment. Although it might all be called work, some jobs may seem glamourous and enviable from the outside, and otgers unexciting and ordinary. All things being equal, it's human nature to want the glamourous job. but for those who have a glamourous job, things weren't always glamourous. what you see now is the cumulative result of steadily working away at ordinary tasks. 9wat might now seem useless can turn put to be auspicious. not a single effort goes to waste when you work hard in the present moment. 10your boss might ask,' who can do this for me?' It's a borin...

Daily message

Buonagiornata From the earth book, I quote... Unsung Earthlings.. There are a handful of species whose actions and Internacti9ns mould the planet into Earth as we know it. A little undermined and often overlooked , the following four species are the superstars of these Unsung Earthlings. Bees 6Tese tiny workers help put food on our tables.They pollinate plants, from apples to broccoli and from onions to almonds, allowimg them to make seeds and reproduce. Without bees, many animal species would have a food crisis. Not only that, but up to 90% of wildflowers depend on bee for pollination, so without bees, the catastrophic loss of biodiversity PLANKTON What plankton lack in size, they make up for in numbers.The largest specimens are less than 1.25 cm (0.5 in) long, but tgere are billi9nsof trillions of them together. They are divided into the plant-like phytoplankton, which extract energy from the Sun via photosynthesis, and the animal like zooplankton. The phytoplankton produce ap...

Daily message

Goodmorning! from a book on miracles, I quote," There are times when we are not capable of changing events in our lives and must leave it ti God, but when we can make a difference, we are far more likely ti see the result we desire happen when we step up and take responsibility for the change. when in premature labor, we look for doctors ti stop the labor, but when full term we look for help in making the birth come quickly, efficiently, and produce the desired result: a healthy new life. Our efforts can make it all happen even if it has to be in God's time and not our time."_ Miracle memo for the gift of l9ve. From the earth book, few fun facts for my readers.... SUNSHINE 5Te sun warms the atmosphere, land and oceans, and is the main driving force behind our weather. No sun; no weather! RAINBOW 7Sunlight reflected and bent by water droplets in the atmosphere creates one of nature's most beautiful displays. CIRROSTRATUS A very high and thin cloud. CUMULONIMBUS...

Daily message

bu9na giornata! I visited bangalore this weekend for our niece's birthday.On the way back home, I was thinkimg of my school days.. and my godmother/grandmother also studied in the same school when she was young.She used to talk about Sr.Rose Benedict of st.joseph of lyons who was an American missionary who landed in India in 1922 exactly at the time when British colonial rule was there and they wanted a mission to start a school in madurai for lowe4 caste people. My grandmother was in the school hostel and she used to tell me that Motger Rose used to call her by a nickname " lone star". have a blessed day brotgers and sisters!

Daily message

Goodafternoon! From the book on psalms, I quote: " He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit." Psalm 147:4-5 "The psalmist gives us an objective, scientific standard by which to measure the knowledge and power of the Lord. Human astronomers would not dare to calculate the number of stars in the universe. They do tell us, that it amounts to billions upon billi9ns.Yet God knows the exact number of the stars. He is in direct contact with each one and He controls it's movements." 9"So totally accurate and reliable are the movements of the stars, that astronomers can compute mathematically where each star was thousands of years ago or where it will be thousands of years from now. But let us never attribute the precision to m8ndless, impersonal force or " law ". Behind it all is the infinite wisdom of a Creator whose concern extends to the remotest cor...

Daily message

Goodafternoon! An inspirational video for the humankind: From the book on "breathe" I quote ... The Puff breath " The Puff breath is another activation style breathwork that's used to energise the body. This breathwork technique pumps feel-good hormones throughout the body,brings in big bursts of oxygen, and helps move away stagnant energies that are still sitting in your system. Think of this breath as " huffing and puffing"....however, y9ur body does this breathwork naturally when you've done something physically difficult because it's trying to provide your body with the necessary oxygen and remove the excess carbondioxide that has collected. During the Puff breath, big bursts of inhales and exhales are taken in through the mouth while pumping both the chest and belly in and out. This pumping motion signals to your body to wakeup, reenergise and optimize your lung capacity to receive oxygen. The huffing and puffing is the natural way you cal...

Daily message

Goodmorning! From the earth book, I quote,"For about nine billi9n years, the universe was Earthless. Then, about 4.6 billi9n years ago, a giant dust cloud( made of dust from exploded stars) experienced a remarkable transformation. Matter was sucked inti a solid centre because of gravity and a hot, dense star was born: the Sun. Although most of the dust cloud formed the Sun, a tiny amount was left swirling around the centre, in what is called a protoplanetary disc. About 100 milli9n years after the formation of the Sun, gravity moulded tgat disc into the planets, moons and comets of the solar system, including Earth. so there you have it: Earth is made from ancient stardust, as are all Earthlings. 6From " Our daily Bread"... " When Fred Rogers died February 27, 2003, scores of newspapers carried the story as front-page news, and almost every headline included the word neighbor. As host of the long-running children's television show Mr.Rogers' Neighborhood...

Daily message

Buon giorni! From the book I am reading,I quote," After returning home, whenever I said my prayers( Zoroastrian prayers of course - twice a day , ie. , morning and night ) I used to hold in my hands a beautiful rosary of large cut-glass beads( with a large crucifix which I had bought outside one of the catacombs and exchanged with the small orog8nal crucifix of the rosary) which I had got blessed by Padre Pio." From the book I am readimg, I quote, " prayer to the virtues" by Patricia pappa. " Dearest Virtue angels, open our hearts and minds to the needs of the earth.We thank you for the work you do to restore harmony and healing to our world. We pray that our work with you will bring healing where it is neededmost and benefit those who work to heal the planet." 5hve a blessed day brotgers and sisters! Artwork: Annie Vanitha #Rosary#padrepio#angels#work

Daily message

Goodevening! 2I felt sad to hear about the lives lost in the stampede that happened in Seoul, korea due to the halloween celebration. What is meant by trick or treat? Originally, " The custom is believed to have been borrowed from England, Scotland, and Ireland. … which means performing a song, card trick, or story for a treat. The routine took hold in the US in the '30s, but not everyone was on board. The only halloween costume I remember buying for my daughter is an angel costume and used the same dress costume to dress her up as a saint for the all saints day which we catholics celebrate on November 1st of every year in the kindergarten school she studied. 6Well, I did receive an "angel hug" from her that day ! Whether it is trunk or treat as said these days or trick or treat, let us make sure to spread only peace and love v8bes around us. From the book " Through the psalms " with Derek Prince, I quote," God is the first and the greatest of a...

Daily message

Goodevening! 2I remembered my paternal grandfather t9day who when we, his grandchildren visit him for summer holidays, would give us a different passage to each one of us, from Kannadasan's Yesu kaviyam,(the new testament) and ask us to memorise. It is the bible written by a tamil Hindu poet in our mothertongue in the epic form. Today we all live in a planet earth, where we all have the duty to protect the habitat for our future generations. 5I would like to share with my readers the following video for the concept of awareness: #Grandchildren#YesuKaviyam#PlanetEarth#dutchbubblebarrierextractsplastictrash have a blessed day brothers and sisters!

Daily message

Goodevening! In one of the books I bought recently, it talks about " Physical Earth". I quote," Our planet is insignificant in the vastness of space, but hugely significant for the plants and animals that call it home. It's a middle-aged space rock, about halfway through its natural life, containing multiple layers of intrigue, from its super-heated core to its outermos5 atmosphere. It's the only planet we know of,that experiences plate tectonics, and its also unique in supporting a water - based weather system. Sometimes we surface-dwellers get a hint of the planet's raw piwe4 through earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes and tsunamis. At otger times we can sit back and marvel at Earth's natural beauty." Yesterday in our church group, we got a message about some good practices ti follow before attending the mass. One practice is that as soon as we enter the church, we kneel down on the floor, with one knee forward and keep our intentions before God w...

Daily message

Goodevening! The word of God today is: 2 Corinthians 10 " Paul warned against looking" at things according to the outward appearance"( 2 Corinthians 10:7). The real measure of our labor is whether it is in keeping with God's word and if it reflects His glory rather than our own." 5The message from God and the angels is, I quote," The angels remind me of loving nursemaids and nannies. Like Mary Poppins, the angels take a firm but kind stance when it comes to how we raise our children( who are really God's children, in their eyes). The angels are blunt and direct but always loving.They love to be called upon for child_ rearing questions and assistance! I am reading a book on Finnish fortitude for a happier, more resilient life where the author speaks about paying a visit to a community center where they promote art and culture, mental and physical well being, a place called," Visit Peace". Happy " Festival of Lights " to all arou...

Daily message

Goodevening! It is almost sleep time in our country! Yesterday evening, my cousin brother from Singapore called, and he keeps asking " What does the word " Self" stand for?" 4'S' stands for "self compassion" for all our "sufferings" in our lives. 5the letter 's' also stands for " signs" and science" and " symbols". 6The letter 'e' stands for " engineering science" and " empaths" abd " endurances". The letter " f " stands for " Forests" abd " for" "mother earth". 8There are rain forests,tropical forests, redwood forests, Mangrove forests and so on... The message from God and the angels is that the symbol of Archangel Michael is the sword and the scales of ⚖️ just8ce and the symbol of Archangel Raphael is the 🐟 fish and the symbol of Archangel Gabriel is the 🎺 trumpet. 11have a blessed day brothers and sisters! #Selfcom...

Daily message

Goodevening! When i visited my parents'home last month, I collected all the bibles in my home since my childhoid, and kept it in one place. It gave me lot of peace. Even as a college student, I had always liked to carry a pocket bible in my handbag. These days in the world, when we hear of so many natural disasters, it is better as the bible teacher Alan Redpath advised believers to " wreck" a bible every 10 years. 5D9nt neglect your Bible. If you do, you will neglect your own spiritual health. _Joanie Yoder As it says inbthe book I am reading,I quote: " The Bible is a remarkable book. millions of copies are bought each year. It has been the number - one bestseller for decades. But tragically, the Bible is said to be the least - read best seller of all time." 2 Timothy 3:16-17 New International Version 16 All Scripture is God-breathed(A) and is useful for teaching,(B) rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,(C) 17 so that the servant of God[a...

Daily message

Goodevening! I JUST SAID MY EVENING PRAYERS. 3A story I read from a book inspired me. It is about a woman named patty who suffers from multiple sclerosis and from her hospital bed, with her limited faculties , counsels others through her phone, which is specially programmed, and even wishes everyone on their birthdays and maybe anniversaries too(!), and always ends her conversations with , " Angel wings around you". 4From one of the books, " Our Daily bread"... I quote, " A kind word is the oil that takes the friction out of life." " Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification." Ephesians 4:29 Have a blessed day brothers and sisters! May the wings of your guardian angels be aroundyou all! 10Image Courtesy: Annie Vanitha #Prayers#MultipleSclerosis#WordofGod#Guardianangels

Daily message

Goodevening! Today morning I watched the prayer video which I usually do and the priest always talks about the psalmist! When I returned after a decade of living in US, I bought this book , " Through the psalms with Derek Prince" in a bookshop in madurai. "Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisd9m." psalm 51:6 KJV The introductory word behold indicates a sudden awareness of truth never previously perceived.What is it that God really looks for in our lives? First and foremost, it is not the external practices of religion that earn us a reputation for piety with our fellow men. God looks much deeper than that. He looks right down into the inner most depths of our hearts. " The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart"( 1 Samuel 16:7)God desires " truth in the inward parts " That is the very opposite of relig...

Daily message

Goodevening! Again it is late in the night in our country. i jus5 got off the phone from my sister and she seemed to be under pressure managing both career and family. She was worried about her mother in law's wellbeing, her job, her daughter, her family and so on... EVERYDAY LIGHTING AN OIL LAMP, AND PRAYING TO God early in the morning or evening might help. Using an oil lamp, has its own ethics. Not as easy as lighting a candle! Everyday cleansing would be required , sometimes with the disinfectant solution or soap, and sometimes depending on the metal with pithambri powder or tamarind or silver polish or with camphor 10I think there are even certain days of the week that are meant for cleansing! 10Need to pour the lamp oil and put the cotton wick and keep 9n kindling it so that it burns well till the end. 11Even if we need to put off the flame in the oil lamp, there are certain methodologies that should be followed! 13Focusing your gaze on God in the light flame, and...

Daily message

Goodevening! it is almost late night in our country! I think it is Gandhiji who said , a nation is a good nation if our women can walk outside safely in the night! Today again the priest where I attended the evening mass, talked about the power of prayers! When I was pregnant with my daughter, I used to read a lot of romance fiction, and everyday at 3.00 pm , in the midst of all the intersting stories, I never forgot to say the divine mercy chaplet for the baby to be born!When she was studying in the Good shepherd convent, once I attended the Divine mercy retreat, they conducted for all the parents exclusively! And I went for confession to an old priest, he told me that, " Romance is part and parcel of life". I don't know what his advice would be to the young readers of the world today! As Pope Francis says, let us self examine our conscience always with God given spiritual discernment! 5Have a blessed day brothers and sisters! 6Image Courtesy: ANNIE VANITHA #Divine...

Daily message

Goodmorning! The word of God today is: Psalm 125 New International Version Psalm 125 A song of ascents. 1 Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion,(A) which cannot be shaken(B) but endures forever. 2 As the mountains surround Jerusalem,(C) so the Lord surrounds(D) his people both now and forevermore. I am reading an intersting book on breath. I quote as it talks about common spiritual experiences," Practising any form of breathwork or mindfulness is a deeply integrative and connecting experience. The practice of breathwork truly connects the mental, emotional, physical and spiritualbodies. In this process, you might feel a deeper connection to yourself, a peace in your heart, and a sense of oneness. You might feel a connection to Source energy ( A higher power), ancestors, and guides.....You may especially feel the emotional body, physical body, and mental body all blending t9gether as one unified experience instead of three separate things. Carlo Ac...

Daily message

Goodevening! Today we celebrate the day of archangels in our catholic church. Yesterday I was inspired tobuy a silver lamp so that I could do my meditative prayers. Few years back, I used to conduct prayerful meditations at home. Today in the church where I went, I met a Hindu lady who gave me elderly advice and at the same time shared her troubles also with me. At one point, I asked her to pray for me and at another point I asked her to pray to God for her troubles. The question in my mind now is what's God asking of me. Wherever we are, let us reap blessings for ourselves and for others. This church which I visited for the last few days, was donated and built by a Muslim man. I remembered my daughter who studied to be an architect in a Muslim college. I know many other religious friends in India who prefer their children to study in Christian schools. It is one of my regrets that there are no good Christian colleges for architecture in India. My other prayer today is I was med...

Daily message

Goodafternoon! Today the w9rd of God is: How to pray: In the Name of Christ " Whatever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do... If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it." 5John 14: 13 - 14 The message from God and the angels is as follows: 8Te testimony is as follows: I quote, in many paintings and visions of Archangel Michael, he appears blond and tan, with Nordic features. I believe the reason why most people see Michael as blond is because of his glowing golden aura, not because he's aligned with any particular race( especially since he doesn't have a body)..... " My sister Kathy was driving down the street abd accident8lly turned into the ditch next to the road. When she tried to go in reverse, the car wouldn't move. She wasn't there long when a huge man with blond hair came to her rescue. He lifted her vehicle right out of the ditch, much to Kathy's amazement! 9When she turned to give him thanks...well, he was gone. Kathy nev...

Daily message

Goodmorning! The word of God today is: " I call upon you, for you will answer me, O God; incline your ear to me, hear my words. Wonderously show your steadfast love, O savior of those who seek refuge from their adversaries at your right hand. Guard me as the apple of the eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings,.... from the wicked who despoil me, my deadly enemies who surround me. 11Today the prayer is for all the wicked women out there. Let us pray to God and the angels to transform all these negative energies. 12Today I just went through the trials andctribulations of my life, in the sense, gave it some thought. Once when I lived in US, I had to go for a driving class to get the license. I was arranged to have an instructor. Due to some reasons, he couldn't come for one class and sent his trainer daughter to train me. I also, being a new immigrant, having problems in understanding the accent, being of timid nature, went for the class without asking for her instru...