Daily message

From tge earth book....

1. Potato Plant

If you bury a potato in the ground, a pitato plant should grow above ground which will then produce more potatoes underground!
2. Maple tree

maple trees have existed fir 100 milli9ntea4s.They produce a sugary sap called maple syrup, which is enjoyed worldwide.

this plant is a parasite tgat grows onbtge branches of trees or shrubs. it has root-like haustoria, which tap into the water and nutrients from the host tree.
4. Rhubarb

there is a technique fo4 cultivating rhubarb in dark sheds - this'forced rhubarb' shoots up so quickly that you can hear it grow!
5. 'Doll's Eye'

( white Banbury) the unusual-loking berries on this plant are so poisonous to humans that earlting even a single berry could result in dearh

rice requires a lot of water, so is grown by farmers in wet paddy fields. it is one of the world's most important food crops.
7. sunflower

the sunflower's head turns during the day to receivr naximum sunlight. the seeds are arranged in beautiful mathematical patterns.
8. Corn

this domesticated plant belongs to the grass family. it is a vital human food source and is farmed 9n every continent except Antarctica

the above-ground root system helps ti protect the screwpine against heavy winds.a taproir helps extract nutrients from salty soils.

21i would like to share with my readers a video sent by a 'good friend' from US who goes hiking with his family very often....
22looks like a nine day ' nature novena ' t9 me....


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