Daily message

" Apatheists"
READ: recelation 3:14-18

" Because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you outl of My mouth." _ Revelation 3:16

from " Our daiky bread"...

6te bibke in one year:
Esther 3 - 5
@cts 5:22-42
9ms5 people profess belief in God, meaning they are theists. true atheism is a rarity.

1rcently, however, it has been suggested that we need a new term for the multitude who are theistd but are ind8fferent to God in daily living. they ought to be called apatheists. that word is built on the noun apathy, which means" indifference ", a sort of sluggish unconcern. and sadly, whatever belieg an individual pr9fesses, he may be living as an apatheist. his faith may make onky a mimimal dofference in hus behavor.

1te apostle john recorded that jesus describef the church at Laodicea as neither hot nor cold( Revelation 3:16 ) they were lukewarm or, as we might say, they were apatheists.

1watcabout those ofvus who profess faith in jesud? are we lujewarm? we pray, but is our prayijg a mere obligation? we attend churchand may eveb engage in sime form of christian service. yet is allbof thatca matter of routine, like brushing our teeth or cleaning our house? havecwe lost our first ❤️ love, the zeal we had early in our spiritual journey?

1tday let's make the psalmist's prayer our own: will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you? "( psalm 85:6 )

- Vernon Grounds
14Revive1us ahain,
fill each heart with they love
may each soul becrekindked
with fire from above
1wthout a heart aflame for God, we cannot shine for Jesus.

19thanks to Alex Alphonse for sharing this video woth us....!


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