Daily message

GOODAFTERNOON! the message from God and the angels is as follows: I quote," Kohvakka, who has spent more time living outside Finland தான் in one place in the country, considers herself rootless, but says that she really likes being in Finland now because when it comes ti climate change, its so easy to find like-minded people who are addressing the same issues- one's own thine , சி to speak." I feel like ஹெல்சின்கி is a climate change leader, as there are so மாமி people who are so aware and on the same page," she says. that eco-awareness can be as simple as knowing to look critic அழகி beyond green வாஷிங்டன். " its important to be aware of tge facts because there can be, for example, napkins that are டேட்டா பிரவுன் so they appear more ecolog8cal.this leads people to think that they are doing in ekoteko-thatvis, something ecological_ when in fact thats not the case," Kohvakka says. another 3xamole is the false labelinh of products as biodegrafable or natural.

kohvakka also enlightend me on the simple daily actions that make a difference. for 3xample, in finland , people eat a lot of rye and otger bread.previousky, i never thought twice about tosding a piece of stale or moldy bread into the biodegradable waste, even thinkimg that I was doimg a good turn as it would change into soul.

but it turns out thats not the case. " The environmental impact of one piece of bread is larger தான் தற் plastic bag that its packet into, because of the emissions தர it has already geberated and the amount of energy needed ti Recycke it," says Kohvakka, who was அலசி instruments in a பைலட் program in helsinki that trained advised to help with recycling issues, optimize home waste management solutions, and providing டிப்ஸ் and inspiration for a zero-waste lifestyle, along with resources for reducing, sort இங்க and recycling.

have a good year end @ 2022 and bienvenue dans l'année 2023!

Photo courtesy: A spiritual gift.


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