Daily message

The Total Package

Read Colossians 1: 19 - 23

From " Our daily bread "...!
" Our family had lived in the same house for மாமி years, and ot was time fir a change of scenario. when we finally discovery a house we lived, we besan negotiate mg for its purchase.

We had to find out if the refrigerator stayed. And the stove. But we knew some things were not going to stay. The furniture didn't come with the house. And I jokingly wonderful if we could keep the cats in the garbage.

when you buy a house, you may not get the total <. The owner takes his belonging with him, although you may have the option to buy some of them.

Many things in life have purchase options. But that's not "How" it is with our faith in Jesus Christ. When Jesus purchase us with His Blood on தற் cross, He didn't get only a பிரைன் of us. He's not just the Lord of the religious stuff; He own everything. So why do wr sometimes live as if parts of us dont belong to Jesus? That's not fair to the பெயர்.

" You were bought at a price," St.பால் wrote. There forever glorious God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's ( 1 Corinthians 6:20 ).


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