Daily message


From " Our daily bread "...

What's Your IDENTITY?
READ Galatians 3:26-4:7
5How do people identify you? Do they say," Hey, there's the guy who sells cars." Or" That woman is a school teacher."

When our oldest daughter was littlr, she sang on a national children's radio program, and I liked beimg known ad" Lisa Sue's dad." Since 1990, I've e joyed being" The Sports Spectrum guy" because of my work woth that magazine. We all have little titles that others use to identify us.

Jesus askef Hos disciples, " who do men say that I am?" (mark 8:27). some thought He wasElijah or another prophet. But those who knew Him best said," You are the Christ" (v.29). that was the right labelfor the saviour of the world.

8wat are you called by those who know you best? do they say, " he's a followet of Jesus_ you can jus5 tell"? it may depend on how you talk with people, how you treat your family, and the way you live.

The apostke Paul said we are all," sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus"( Galatians 3:26). that intimate identitfication with God the Father should naturally express itself to our friends and acquaintances.
1The message from God and the angels is," I quote...
" I am called by some " the talkest angel". My energy reaches to the seven heavens and beyond, for I guatd the crown of the Tree of Life and am the bridge to the stars. Through me you can reach the 44:44 Angel Star Gate and Oneness with All. uet when my energy touches the crown pf your head it feels like the tiniest, softest feather. I urge you to send your Spirit skywards, deepening your connection to ALL.

image courtesy:stocksnap.io


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