Daily message


the agony of the cross

from our daiky breaf...

read Isaiah 53

[jesus] humbked Himself and becanr obedient to the point 9f death, ev3b the death of the cross._Philippians 2:8

as Christians, we understand the spiritual sognif8canve of Christ's sacrifices at Calvary, but its easy to forget about the tremendous agony he endures there. the worst aspect was separation from the Fatger, but the physical suffering was also horribke beyond comprehension.

in his book dare t9 believe , டான் baumann shares some thoughts tgat can deepen our gratitude fir what the saviour did for us. he wrote," We have perhaps unwisely and sometimes unconsciousky glamorized the cross. jewelry and steeples alike are ornamental and attractive but carry nothing of the real story of crucifixi9n.it was the most painful death in the first century. the victim was placed on a wooden cross. nails...were டிரைவர் inti the hands and feel of the victim, and they the cross was lift3d and jarred inti the ground, teasing the flesh of the crucifixi9n and racking his body with excruciat8jg pain. historians remind us that even the soldiers could not ge5 used ti the horribke slight, and often took strong drink to numb theor senses."

witha fresh awareness of our Savior's phtsical agont, let's thank Him for His sacrifice at calvary. he loved us so muchthar he was willing to die for us-wveb the painful death of the cross.

from the earth book, " reindeer"....! both மலேசிய and females have answers.தட் reindeer feed மங்கி on lichen and Have an excellent sense ofcsmelltosniff out food spurced under the snow, then use their homes to die until they have l9cated their meal.

from another book on , a message on tonsillit7s...

tonsillit7s are lymphoid tissue, which are present in the oropharynx. inflammati9n of the t9nsils is called tonsillutus, which is most common in children. symptoms are ரைஸ் intemoeratire , sore throat, inflammati9n posterior பெங்களூரில் வால் often covered with a white flock of புஷ், and சொல்லுங்க grandson in the neck. the tongue is coated white withmalodorous breath.tonsillit7s when inverted by streptococcal organise and let untrwated may lead to rheunatic heart டிஎஸ்.



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