Daily message
2Baring a grudge
READ Genesis 27: 35-41
You shall not...bear any grudge agaibst the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbour as yourself._ Leviticus 19:18
English essayist and critic Charles Lamb( 1775-1834) had this to say about a petson he did not want ti meet: " Don't introduce me to that man! I want to go on hating him, and I can't hate someone I know."
Harboring malice robs us of close relationships with otgers.Jacob cheated his brother and stile his birthright.Understandably, Esau was angry. But what he dud with his anger becane a serious problem, not only for Jacob but for Esau himself. For years he harbored a deep resentment that robbed him of a warm relationship with his brotger.
Grudges can also create a cold, icy environment in churches, and those often keeps people away. Pastor George Gardiner asked the members og a congregation he visited why their church wasn't growing. He received this reply: " There's an elder in this church who holds a grudge."
9Istead of bearing a grudge, we must bare it before God in confession and ask for deliverance. We must bare it before God in confession and ask for delicerance.We must begin praying for the person toward whom we have negative feelings and, if possible, take practical steps to resolve our differences. We must find ways to show love.
10Resentmebt will fade when the object of our I'll will becomes the special object of our goidwill.
11From the earth book, on the topic " Super Survivalists"...I quote
13Bacteris are made of single cells and are only about 1000 nanometres(0.00004m)long. They can live at a huge range of temperatures, from ice to hotsprings, and can even live in radioactive waste. Most bacteria are useful- gut bacteria produce vitamins and help people( and animals) digest their food, and bacteria in the rooms help legumes( plants in the pea and bean family) get nitrogen out of the soil, which helps them to grow.
14COCKROAcHES considered as pests in some parts of the workd and pets in others, these insects have been around since the age of dinosaurs. They canbgo without foid for six weeks, and when they do eT , they can survive on itemssuch as glue and leather. Special bacteria in their guts help to create the amino acids they require, so it doesn't really matter if a cockroach doesn't have a naturally nutritious meal. Finally, they can survive without their geads for more than a week, until they starve or dry out!
16I quote, LiNbO3 interferometric modulators designed for high sensitivity are normally fabricated on X-cut substrates with waveguide propogation in the Y direction. The large r33 electrooptic coefficient is utilized with TE polarization. For 1.3 micrometer operation with d=8 micrometer and T.= 0.5, the push-pullconfigiration, compared with 70 V_mm for equivalent phase modukators and 105 V-mmfor TM polarozation in the same waveguide and electrode configuration.
17have a blessed day brotgers amd sisters!
2Baring a grudge
READ Genesis 27: 35-41
You shall not...bear any grudge agaibst the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbour as yourself._ Leviticus 19:18
English essayist and critic Charles Lamb( 1775-1834) had this to say about a petson he did not want ti meet: " Don't introduce me to that man! I want to go on hating him, and I can't hate someone I know."
Harboring malice robs us of close relationships with otgers.Jacob cheated his brother and stile his birthright.Understandably, Esau was angry. But what he dud with his anger becane a serious problem, not only for Jacob but for Esau himself. For years he harbored a deep resentment that robbed him of a warm relationship with his brotger.
Grudges can also create a cold, icy environment in churches, and those often keeps people away. Pastor George Gardiner asked the members og a congregation he visited why their church wasn't growing. He received this reply: " There's an elder in this church who holds a grudge."
9Istead of bearing a grudge, we must bare it before God in confession and ask for deliverance. We must bare it before God in confession and ask for delicerance.We must begin praying for the person toward whom we have negative feelings and, if possible, take practical steps to resolve our differences. We must find ways to show love.
10Resentmebt will fade when the object of our I'll will becomes the special object of our goidwill.
11From the earth book, on the topic " Super Survivalists"...I quote
13Bacteris are made of single cells and are only about 1000 nanometres(0.00004m)long. They can live at a huge range of temperatures, from ice to hotsprings, and can even live in radioactive waste. Most bacteria are useful- gut bacteria produce vitamins and help people( and animals) digest their food, and bacteria in the rooms help legumes( plants in the pea and bean family) get nitrogen out of the soil, which helps them to grow.
14COCKROAcHES considered as pests in some parts of the workd and pets in others, these insects have been around since the age of dinosaurs. They canbgo without foid for six weeks, and when they do eT , they can survive on itemssuch as glue and leather. Special bacteria in their guts help to create the amino acids they require, so it doesn't really matter if a cockroach doesn't have a naturally nutritious meal. Finally, they can survive without their geads for more than a week, until they starve or dry out!
16I quote, LiNbO3 interferometric modulators designed for high sensitivity are normally fabricated on X-cut substrates with waveguide propogation in the Y direction. The large r33 electrooptic coefficient is utilized with TE polarization. For 1.3 micrometer operation with d=8 micrometer and T.= 0.5, the push-pullconfigiration, compared with 70 V_mm for equivalent phase modukators and 105 V-mmfor TM polarozation in the same waveguide and electrode configuration.
17have a blessed day brotgers amd sisters!
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