Daily message

hello t9 all my readers!
from a book on chakras
keep refilling an aroma lamp with a few drops of ypur favorite oil throughout the day. Let its aroma pervade ypur surroundings. You can also place a few drops on a handketchief and carry it with you. breathe in thevaroma frequentl5.
for a sensual experience that will stimulate the sacral chakra, take a warm bath. add a mixture of five drops of vanilla, three drops of sandalwoid, and four ounces of cream to ypur bath just before getting in. Impirtant: Do this only two or three times a week.
you can also balance the energies of the sacral chakra with an aromatherapy message. combine one tablespoon of eitger avacado or jojoba oil with two drops each of bitter orange and myrrh. Pour the mixture into yoyr palns and massage the area below the navel with a gentke circukst motion until the oil is fully absorbed into your skin.
have a goodevening!


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