Daily message

From the book by Doreen....
The ego tries to convince us that if we feel like a bad person, that means we are a bad person. The truth, though, is that it's the ego making us feel that way. In spiritual truth, we're as awesome as our Creator-because we're made in the image and likeness of our Creator.
It takes courage to look within.There's a deep seated fear that we won't like what we find, and that all of those fears of being unlovable will be substantiated. When we hang on to secrets that we feel ashamed about, those feelings of shame are like a monster inside of us.
There's also a fear of finding nothingness when you look inside. This is especially true if you've had to adapt in your life because of an abusive upbringing or a chaotic life. Adapting means that you learn how to conform, cope, and get along. However, it also means that you forget who you really are, and you lose touch with your true self and honest opimions.
Have a goodnight.


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