Daily message

hello t9 allmy readers!
from the earth book
threats to the Earth
"Earth is about halfway through its natural life. in about five billion years from now, the Sun will become a red giant, swelling dramatically and swallowimg all the planets before collapsing into a white dwarf. however, there are many more immediate threats to human life on earth, so our time on plabey could end much sooner if we don't take goid care of ourselves abd our fragile little world...
if a nuclear weapon exploded in a major city, the blast-centre would be hotter than the surface of the Sun, and tornado-like winds would spread flames in all directions, killing more than a million people. in the long term, soil would remain contaminated by radiation for thousands of years.
the doomsday click
the doomsday clock is a symbolic clock whose tines is set by a series of scientistd.the closer to midnight, the closer we are to a global catastrophe.Since 2015, the clock has been set t9 11.57- only 3 minutes away from large scale destruction."
at this time of our living, lije testerday the skyview of Gaza was full of smole and how much ever inber engineering, we do in the field of soil mechanics, it is always prevention is better than cure for the humanity.
have a blessed day!
phot9 credit: stocksnap.io


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