Daily message

hello to all my readers!
from the book by Doreen Virtue calked, the the courage to be creative....
someone once asked me why, if I realky hear angels, I have been divorced.The answer I gave is that there's a big difference between hearing the anfels and listening to them:
# With hearing, you get the message. You're aware that your anfels are guiding you to, for example, improve your diet.
# With listening, you actually do sometjimg about it.
when I got married( and even before ), I definitely heard my anfeks cautioning me not to do it.I also noticed the red-flag warnings that my partner wasn't appropriate. But being the raised-on-fairy-tales romantic that I am, I overrode the messages.
Looking back, i xan see that I was both wilful and also in a romantic fog, inaginkng that things would get vetter after marriage.I didn't listen, got married, and ended up divorced. the angels were right. they always are.Now I do my best ti listen to them and put their guidance inti action without hesitation or delay.
have a goodevening!


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