Daily message

hello to all my readers!
Searching for Jesus in the Gospel of Mark’ Our Gospel of Mark event opens one week from Monday. If you haven’t yet booked you tickets - now is the time to do so! Either just put “Searching for Jesus Eventbrite” into Google or follow the link at bit.ly/Jesus-in-GospelofMark
Remember to forward the promotional video to anyone who you think might be interested: https://youtu.be/zNALK8pPxqs
Young Adults Group this Tuesday at 7pm with Fr. Robert Taylor
This week, Fr. Robert will speak about ‘Bellarmine & Borromeo: Countering the Reformation’ at our Young Adults Group. All those between the ages of 18-35 are welcome to the weekly meetings. We meet at 63 York Place at 7:00pm for tea and coffee followed by the talk and discussion at 7.30pm. Each session concludes with Night Prayer and the chance to socialise at a local pub. See the poster in the Octagon for more details!
Youth Group Every Sunday at Ravelston
The Youth Group meets every Sunday evening at St Andrew’s, Ravelston 6 to 7.30pm. Register using the QR code on the postcards or posters around the parish or by turning up on the night and filling in a form. It is a one-off £1 registration fee for the year and every evening involves games, activities to learn about the faith before prayer to conclude the night. Don’t forget some spending money for the tuckshop too.
Noon Mass Next Sunday: 100th Anniversary of the Knights of St. Columba
His Grace, Archbishop Cushley, will celebrate the Noon Mass next Sunday, 22 October, for the 100th Anniversary of the Knights of St. Columba, the largest Catholic fraternal service organisation in the UK. The organisation is dedicated to the work of the Lay Apostolate and to the virtues of unity, charity and fraternity.
Relics of St. Andrew, St. Columba & St. Margaret - 17th to 20th October
The Knights of St. Columba, who proudly safeguard the relics of St. Andrew, St. Columba and St. Margaret of Scotland, will bring these sacred relics to the Cathedral as part of their National Tour of the relics this year. From the morning of 17th October to the morning 20th October, the relics will be present in the Cathedral.
Catenian Association Meetings for Catholic Men on 18th October
The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to their next meeting on Wednesday, 18th October, at 7.00 pm in 63 York Place. The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support. For more information contact John Russell at 01555 728032 or membership@thecatenians.com
Over Sixties Coffee Afternoon
Join us for the Over Sixties Coffee Afternoon on Tuesdays 2.30 pm till 4pm in Coffee Saints. All newcomers are very welcome!
St Pauls Bookshop: New Icons, 2024 Diaries and More!
Our St Pauls Bookshop has new icons available of St Andrew, St Joseph, Our Lady of Walsingham and others, as well as Catholic diaries for 2024, and the Magnificats with daily Mass readings for November and December. Christmas cards are already in stock, too! The shop is open 7 days a week, 10am-5pm.
Rosary Before Mass During October
During the month of October, the rosary will begin at 5:30pm before Mass at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, and on Wednesday will be prayed before the Blessed Sacrament during Adoration. This is a beautiful and prayerful devotion to undertake during the month of Our Lady.
Each Wednesday 5.00pm Adoration & Confession Stop in at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston on Wednesdays and spend some time with Jesus Our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration. Beginning from 5pm, we have Eucharistic Adoration, and a priest is available to hear Confessions, too. This is an opportunity to allow yourself some quiet, peaceful time to pray. Our Lord is waiting for you, so come and meet Him!
St Andrew’s Talks
Join us Monday, 30th October, 6.45pm with Anthony Horan, the Director of the Catholic Parliamentary Office, to discuss the work of the office and the representation of our faith in the political forum.
Ravelston Fabric Update
As you can see, the disabled access issue has been resolved with a permanent access ramp now in place at the sacristy door. Please do take care on it in wet conditions. Meanwhile, the porch and the sacristy painting has been completed. We anticipate the completion of the sanctuary shortly with news of the carpets arrival imminent!
Second Collection for Missio Scotland Next Weekend
A special collection will be taken up at all Masses next weekend to mark World Day of Prayer for the Missions. Funds raised will go to Missio Scotland.
All Souls’ Day
Archbishop Cushley will offer Holy Mass for the repose of all the faithful departed who have died in the Archdiocese in the last year. It takes place on All Souls’ Day, Thursday 2 November at 10am in the Chapel at Mount Vernon Cemetery, 49 Mount Vernon Road, Edinburgh, EH16 6JG. All welcome.
Archdiocesan Youth Day on Saturday, 25th November
The Archdiocesan Youth Day will be a day of faith and fun for P4-P7s on Saturday 25 November, 10:30am to 3:30pm at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. Join us as we come to know Jesus the King of the Universe and explore how we can prepare to meet our King this Christmas. We will have games, talks, sweets, Confessions, Mass and more!. Speak to the parish priest to register.
“Monastery Days” for Catholic Young Adults YouCAN, a religious group for practicing young Catholic adults, have been working closely with a number of monasteries in the UK to organise “Monastery Days”. This is a unique opportunity for Catholics aged 18 to 45 to spend the day at several monasteries across England and Scotland, to pray together, attend Mass and enjoy time together socially. To attend “Monastery Days” contact rina@youngcatholicadultnetwork.uk
For more information, visit the YouCAN website at https://youngcatholicadultnetwork.uk/
Hyning Monastery, Lancashire, 21 October Bernardine Cistercian Sisters of Esquermes, https://www.bernardine.org
Ampleforth Abbey, York, 21 October Benedictine monks, https://www.ampleforthabbey.org.uk
Pluscarden Abbey, Elgin, 28 October Benedictine monks, https://www.pluscardenabbey.org
New CD Recording from Old Saint Paul's Church Our friends at Old Saint Paul's Scottish Episcopal Church in Edinburgh
(https://www.osp.org.uk/) are about to release a new CD of their choir entitled “Sancte Paule Apostole”. The music comprises anthems, motets, hymns and liturgical settings, much of which has specific connections with Old Saint Paul's Church. The album was engineered by Matt Norriss from our own Schola Cantorum and will be available from 25 October on CD and via streaming.
photocredit: worldwildlufe


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