Daily message

Hello to all my readers!
Islands are important: they make up about a sixth of the Earth's land area, and a quarter of all countries are island nations. Depending on what's considered an island and what's merely an 'islet',there are upto 20,000 of them in our oceans,lakes and rivers. Due to their isolation, many species have evolved differently to their mainland counterparts, as Charles Darwin came to realise on his voyage to the Galapagos.
Separated from the mainland for 88 million years, there's been plenty of time for life to evolve in uniqueways on this tropical island. More than 90% of species can be found nowhere else, including lemurs, almost 1,000 species of orchids, more than 100 types of fish, more than half of the world's chameleon species and around 300 frog species. Because of this astonishing richness, Madagascar is sometimes referred to as the world's eighth continent.
'Traveller's tree'
This enormous fanlike tree is officially known as Ravenala madagascariensis, but we will stick with traveller's tree, as that's slightly less of a mouthful.
85% of the world's largest island is covered in ice, so the 60,000 islanders live on settlements hugging the coast. There are no roads to connect the towns and villages.
FRom the book on angel detox.....


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