Daily message

Goodmorning! from a book on miracles, I quote," There are times when we are not capable of changing events in our lives and must leave it ti God, but when we can make a difference, we are far more likely ti see the result we desire happen when we step up and take responsibility for the change. when in premature labor, we look for doctors ti stop the labor, but when full term we look for help in making the birth come quickly, efficiently, and produce the desired result: a healthy new life. Our efforts can make it all happen even if it has to be in God's time and not our time."_ Miracle memo for the gift of l9ve.

From the earth book, few fun facts for my readers....

5Te sun warms the atmosphere, land and oceans, and is the main driving force behind our weather. No sun; no weather!

7Sunlight reflected and bent by water droplets in the atmosphere creates one of nature's most beautiful displays.

A very high and thin cloud.

10The super-tall thunderstorm cloud.

Said ti resemble the cauliflower.

(evaporation from plant leaves)

Thunder and lightning
Thunderstorm clouds can be taller than 10 km(6.2mi) from base ti top. Lightning is caused by electricity flowing between negatively charged clouds and positively charged objects on the ground, and thunder is the explosive sound produced by the lightning.

20The oceans contain about 97% of the world's water.

22weather refers to short-term phenomenon such as rain, snow and wind, whereas climate refers to ling_ term patterns of weather.



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