Daily message

Buon giorni!
From the book I am reading,I quote," After returning home, whenever I said my prayers( Zoroastrian prayers of course - twice a day , ie. , morning and night ) I used to hold in my hands a beautiful rosary of large cut-glass beads( with a large crucifix which I had bought outside one of the catacombs and exchanged with the small orog8nal crucifix of the rosary) which I had got blessed by Padre Pio."

From the book I am readimg, I quote, " prayer to the virtues" by Patricia pappa.
" Dearest Virtue angels, open our hearts and minds to the needs of the earth.We thank you for the work you do to restore harmony and healing to our world. We pray that our work with you will bring healing where it is neededmost and benefit those who work to heal the planet."

5hve a blessed day brotgers and sisters!

Artwork: Annie Vanitha



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