Daily message

The word of God today is:
2 Corinthians 10
" Paul warned against looking" at things according to the outward appearance"( 2 Corinthians 10:7). The real measure of our labor is whether it is in keeping with God's word and if it reflects His glory rather than our own."

5The message from God and the angels is, I quote," The angels remind me of loving nursemaids and nannies. Like Mary Poppins, the angels take a firm but kind stance when it comes to how we raise our children( who are really God's children, in their eyes). The angels are blunt and direct but always loving.They love to be called upon for child_ rearing questions and assistance!

I am reading a book on Finnish fortitude for a happier, more resilient life where the author speaks about paying a visit to a community center where they promote art and culture, mental and physical well being, a place called," Visit Peace".

Happy " Festival of Lights " to all around the 🌎 world!
Have a blessed day brothers and sisters!



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