Daily message

Today morning I watched the prayer video which I usually do and the priest always talks about the psalmist!

When I returned after a decade of living in US, I bought this book , " Through the psalms with Derek Prince" in a bookshop in madurai.

"Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisd9m."
psalm 51:6 KJV
The introductory word behold indicates a sudden awareness of truth never previously perceived.What is it that God really looks for in our lives? First and foremost, it is not the external practices of religion that earn us a reputation for piety with our fellow men. God looks much deeper than that. He looks right down into the inner most depths of our hearts. " The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart"( 1 Samuel 16:7)God desires " truth in the inward parts " That is the very opposite of religious externalism....

7From one of the books gifted to me, I quote" I often use the analogy of a computer to help illustrate the relationship of the chakras and the mind. A computer needs three things to function: hardware, software, and power( electricity).The mind has these same three components: the brain( hardware), the chakras( s9ftware), and prana( power),also known as subtle energy. Each chakra energized and influences a part of the mind by producing a unique consciousness that governs how we think about and experience both our inner and outer worlds. How well each chakra performs is dependent on the quality and quantity of prana available to that chakra. Thus the mind extends well beyond our brains"

In the recent days, one of my prayers to God and the angels is to heal the nature in and around us for us as well as the future generations to come!

9i hope all my readers will join me in sending a silent prayer to God in heaven, for that cause!
10Image1courtesy: Bernard Spragg
10have a blessed day brothers and sisters!



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