Daily message
Today the w9rd of God is:
How to pray: In the Name of Christ
" Whatever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do...
If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it."
5John 14: 13 - 14
The message from God and the angels is as follows:
8Te testimony is as follows: I quote, in many paintings and visions of Archangel Michael, he appears blond and tan, with Nordic features. I believe the reason why most people see Michael as blond is because of his glowing golden aura, not because he's aligned with any particular race( especially since he doesn't have a body).....
" My sister Kathy was driving down the street abd accident8lly turned into the ditch next to the road. When she tried to go in reverse, the car wouldn't move. She wasn't there long when a huge man with blond hair came to her rescue. He lifted her vehicle right out of the ditch, much to Kathy's amazement!
9When she turned to give him thanks...well, he was gone. Kathy never quite said it was Archangel Michael. That's just what I believe.
11From the book on Ayurvedic remedies,I quote," Copper alleviates excess kapha and reduces fat. It is a good tonic fir the liver, spleen and lymphatic system and helps in curing anemia. To treat obesity as well as liver and spleen disorders, thoroughly wash some copper pennies and boil them in a quart of water ( or boil a quartof water in a copper vessel ) until half the water remains. Take 2 teaspoons of this copper water 3 times a day for a month. It is also helpful to buy a copper drinking glass, fill it every night with pure water, and drink the water in the morning."
12have a blessed day! buona giornata!
Today the w9rd of God is:
How to pray: In the Name of Christ
" Whatever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do...
If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it."
5John 14: 13 - 14
The message from God and the angels is as follows:
8Te testimony is as follows: I quote, in many paintings and visions of Archangel Michael, he appears blond and tan, with Nordic features. I believe the reason why most people see Michael as blond is because of his glowing golden aura, not because he's aligned with any particular race( especially since he doesn't have a body).....
" My sister Kathy was driving down the street abd accident8lly turned into the ditch next to the road. When she tried to go in reverse, the car wouldn't move. She wasn't there long when a huge man with blond hair came to her rescue. He lifted her vehicle right out of the ditch, much to Kathy's amazement!
9When she turned to give him thanks...well, he was gone. Kathy never quite said it was Archangel Michael. That's just what I believe.
11From the book on Ayurvedic remedies,I quote," Copper alleviates excess kapha and reduces fat. It is a good tonic fir the liver, spleen and lymphatic system and helps in curing anemia. To treat obesity as well as liver and spleen disorders, thoroughly wash some copper pennies and boil them in a quart of water ( or boil a quartof water in a copper vessel ) until half the water remains. Take 2 teaspoons of this copper water 3 times a day for a month. It is also helpful to buy a copper drinking glass, fill it every night with pure water, and drink the water in the morning."
12have a blessed day! buona giornata!
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