Daily message

From one ofvthe subscription emails, from Toronto, Canada, a priest talked about the love of power and the power of love. A question for all of us to ponder upon?

When we pray , do we follow the spiritual practices or the new age practices? A question for spiritual discernment?

4Image Courtesy: Kelly Ishmael

The message from GOD AND THE ANGELS today is about fatigue," Do you feel weary, dear one? Beaten down by life's heavy packages, upon which you shoulder many burdens? Allow yourself a moment of respite, then, for as you breathe sweet and gentle air into your lungs , we sprinkle the oxygen with our tenderness. You ache and you long for time away from your pressures, yet you refuse to give this joy to yourselves."

From the book called," Conquering the mind", Classical Indian mysticism compares the mind to a lake, which for most of us is continually lashed into waves by the winds of emotional stimulus and response. The real storm winds are four: anger, fear, greed and self-will. One or another is generally blowing; if it's not the southerly, it's a nor' wester.As a resul6, the water is in a constant state of agitation.Even when the surface appears calm, murky currents are stirring underneath".

Today I am guided to talk from the book on " Health and Nature" by Dr.J.V G.Sekar and Smt.Dr.Madhuram Sekar.

Diet for ulcer patient

1. Ulcer patients should take food in time. Generally over hot(or)cold food items should be avoided.

2. 10 to 12 tumblers of pure water should be drunk daily by the patient.Don't take water while taking food.Bathing in cold water twice a day is good.

10Generally salt, sour, sweet, should be in reduced quantity. Also oil items, Ghee, Pickles, tinned food items should be avoided.

11Smok8ng, drinking of alcoholics, tobacco chewing, pan paragraphs and tea and coffee habits should be avoided.

5. Buttermilk, tender coconut,plantain flower, leaves of fenugreek, idli, milk puttu and buttermilk, rice, curd rice can be added in food.

13Mud pack on abdominal area for 30 minutes is very effective. walking in the early morning on an empty stomach is good.

14In fruits, banana, apple, sabotage, watermelon, cucumber,Fig, Fruit, roseapple, woodapple and pomegranate are to be taken.

15Goat milk mixed with pure water is the best food which cures the ulcerative wounds early.

16cabbage - steamed water may be drunk twice a day.

17carrot, beetroot, cabbage, cucumber, white pumpskin, bottles gourd, spinach can also be used for making juice which is good. Baked vegetables can also be taken.

18By following regularly the above said instructions, vomiting, chest irritation, gastritis, headache, constipation, over appetite, loss of appetite and indigestion problems are cured step by step, and ulcer too heals quickly. Pranayama, jogging and asanas like Vajrasana, Dhanurasana and Pakshimothasna are to be followed.

have a blessed day! bu9na giornata!

#Spiritualdiscernment#Fatigue#Health and Nature#Ulcer


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