Daily Message
From the book,"" She is my mother""...Pope Francis' encounters with Mary by Fr Alexandre Awi Mello
A Pope""Forged in Aparecida""
It should not surprise us that Pope Francis identifies so closely with the Aparecida Conference. During his visit to Brazil, in addition to making a point to visit the National Shrine, he mentioned Our Lady of Aparecida and the CELAM Conference that took place there more than fifty times in his speeches. After all, he had lived it intensely.As I have already said, this is where we came to know each other personally, as I was one of the two secretaries on the commission over which Bergoglio had presided. I believe that it was thanks to that meeting that I was invited to be his secretary during his visit to Brazil.
In this way I can testify that Pope Francis is deeply marked by the Fifth Conference and its message. Aparecida is in the Pope's heart and memory. I have no doubt that, as Bishop Fernandez said, the spirit of Francis was ""forged in Aparecida."" Meanwhile I am also certain that from his own profound pastoral experience he has helped to forge the spirit of Aparecida. In fact, in our conversations during the World Youth Day the Pope mentioned the CLEAM Conference on various occasions, "" All this makes me remember Aparecida,"" he told me at one point."" But dont worry, we won't be working again until two in the morning,""he concluded with his characteristic sense of humour. He was happy to return to the National Shrine and remember the moments he experienced there. He was once again moved by the great numbers of pilgrims to this place.
Bishop Fernandez testified in an interview with Patricio Downes(cf Religion Digital, 28 October 2013):"'Can we say that Aparecida is a key piece in Francis' papacy?"'Definitely!""the UCA rector confirmed emphatically."" And for two reasons-because the document contains many parts that are his, and also because he allowed himself to identify with the concerns that the bishops presented in Aparecida and made them his own.""
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