Daily Message

from the letter from St.Mary's Cathedral...
Confirmations Congratulations!
We welcome His Grace, Archbishop Cushley, and extend our prayers and congratulations to all the children from the Cathedral and St. Andrew’s, Ravelston who are receiving sacrament of Confirmation at the 9:00am Mass today. Very special thanks to Fr. Robert and to the catechists, teachers and parents who helped prepare the children for this special day. Through the gifts of the Holy Spirit they receive, may they follow Christ faithfully and serve Him generously through the Church.
Concluding Holy Hour for May This Wednesday, 7:00pm
Join us for our concluding Holy Hour for May with the Rosary in the Cathedral 7:00pm-8:00pm Wednesday 24th May. Come and spend some time in prayer before Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and in praying the Rosary in this month of May dedicated to Our Lady. We will pray the Mysteries of Light and hear a reflection by Deacon Tom McEvoy from Sacred Heart, Midlothian. All are invited!
‘Figures of My Faith’ Young Adults Talk on Tuesday: St. Joan of Arc
We will welcome Emma Atkin, Manager of our St. Pauls Bookshop, for a talk on St. Joan of Arc for the final talk in our ‘Figures of My Faith’ series for Young Adults this Tuesday, 23 May. All ages 18-35 are welcome to join us for teas & coffees from 7:00pm in 63 York Place, followed by the talk at 7:30pm. Then we will go to the Cathedral for a time of prayer with opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, concluding with Night Prayer, then time to visit and discuss in a local pub. Come along and join us!
Youth Group Meets on Sunday night! Day Trip to Carfin & Strathclyde June 10th
All children Primary 3 – S1 are invited to our Youth Group at 6pm tonight in the parish rooms at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. Please pick up a registration form today at the back of church for any first-time registrations. This month we are learning about Mary, the mother of God, and getting ready for our Day Trip on Saturday 10th June to Carfin Grotto and Strathclyde Park! See the posters to scan the QR code to register. Contact Fr. Robert with any questions, frrobert.taylor@staned.org.uk
Parent & Baby Group: Meet at Coffee Saints, Wednesday after 10am Mass
Are you a new parent looking to meet fellow Catholic parents? We are forming a group for fellow Catholic parents to socialise and share our faith. For our first meeting, we will attend the 10am Mass on Wednesday 24 May, followed by coffee and a chat at Coffee Saints next door. All parents and babies welcome, particularly those on maternity or paternity leave. If you would like to be involved, but are unable to join us this Wednesday, please email Angus Hawkins angus.f.hawkins@gmail.com or Antonia Shack afmshack@gmail.com
All Married and Engaged Couples Invited to 31 May Mass with Archbishop
On Wednesday 31 May at 7:15pm the Archbishop will celebrate a special Mass for all Married and Engaged Couples at the Cathedral. No registration required. After the Mass there will be a celebratory reception in Coffee Saints to which everyone attending the Mass is invited. If you are celebrating a significant anniversary this year, or know couples who are, do let us know so that we can send a personal invitation. Please submit names, address and number of years being celebrated to Fr Jeremy Milne, vemarriage@staned.org.uk, 0131 334 1693

From a book I bought in a book stall which was exhibited by the Pauline Sisters in our parish church years ago...
At an annual Prize distribution day in a British school, the head master proudly announced that only two boys had failed in their examination. THe actor and dramatist Peter Ustinov, who was the chief guest at the function, spoke up for the two failed boys:"" I do not have a single qualification to my name, and the world has great need for unqualified people. I am drawn to the two who did not pass. Had I beena member of this school, the number of failures would almost certainly have been three. All those who don't reach the heights in life still have a value in this world:imagine a world without manual labourers, without artists, without sportsmen, without actors!""
Just another quick with from the same book...
College Lecturer: Why is a lecturer greater than a mother?
A bright youngster: A mother can put only one child to sleep at a time but a lecturer can put the whole class to sleep at one go!
buona sera!
image courtesy:stocksnap.io


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