Daily message

It's a harsh world sometimes that parents do not understand the children and cause them hurts.There are many kinds of sufferings in this world. Most of it are self inflicted and at times people send their loved ones, children and sometimes grandchildren also into self infliction. Today I visited the office of the parish priest in the evening and I remembered, what is written in our adoration chapel, in the image of Jesus in our church.
Last year I visited Bangalore and while returning back to chennai,at the airport, where i was dropped by the taxi service, I entered a book shop. I wanted to buy something for my daughter and I am yet to give it to her, a book called ""Sapiens"" A brief history of human kind. By Yuval Noah Harari, an Is raeli public intellectual, historian and professor in the Department of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
From the Archangels 101 book, "" RAZIEL"". ""Dear Archangel Raziel, thank you for guiding my spiritual understanding to a place of knowingness and wisdom.""
Raziel is also known as Ratziel.
Raziel's name means "" The secrets of God".
Have a goodnight!


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