Daily message

The Newsletter for the Fifth Sunday of Easter
from st.Mary's catholic cathedral...
I quote...
King’s Coronation Celebration
Today, in honour of the King’s Coronation, our Masses will include special Prayers for the New Monarch and after the 12Noon Mass we will have a festive toast in the Octagon of the Cathedral. If you can make it, do come along to toast the King on this historic occasion.
… and a Delicious Parish Bake Sale!
Don’t miss out on some tasty baked treats this Sunday at the Cathedral’s Young Adults group bake sale outside after Sunday 9am, 10:30am and 12Noon Masses. All proceeds for the Cathedral Fundraising Appeal. We look forward to seeing you there!
First Holy Communion: Presentation of Our Father at Mass this Sunday
Today at Mass we welcome in a particular way the children who are preparing to receive their First Holy Communion in early June. They will participate in a brief Rite after the homily at the 9am Mass in the Cathedral and at 10.30am Mass in Ravelston to receive the words of the Our Father, the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples
buona sera!


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