Daily message

The catholic community in India by Nirad C. Chaudhuri
I became aware of the true character of Christianity as a very young student when reading Roman Hisory, and I am amazed to find how ignorant and mistaken even highly educated are about it. I ask them:''What is the message of Christianity?''At once they reply '' To love their neighbour''. They forget that this particular moral precept comes from Judaism and was only reiterated by Christianity. But they also forget the far more important fact that primarily, Christianity is not a moral code, but a view of man's relationship with God. The Christian kerygma we Hindus completely brush aside.
I have never forgotten that this is the main thing about Christianity, and the more I have considered it the more important has it seemed to me, irrespective of any belief I have or do not have in the established religions.
Have a goodevening!


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