Daily message

from the book,"'THe Bhagavad Gita""...
A Verse translation
11 By this you benefit the gods
so let the godlings prosper you,
supporting one another
the highest welfare comes to you.

12 Sustained by sacrifice
the gods will give relief,
but he who simply takes their gifts
without return is just a thief.

13 Good men eating ritual leavings
find all their sins are gone,
but the wicked ones eat evil
and cook for self alone.

14 Beings are derived from food
and food comes from the god of rain,
sacrifice derives from work
and from the sacrifice comes rain.

15 From the Imperishable comes Brahman,
From Brahman works arise,
so the universal Brahman
is ever based on sacrifice.

16 Thus the wheel was set in motion
and he who does not turn again
is evil, and delights
in sense and lives in vain.


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