Daily message

2fomnati9nal catholic broadcasting council, Canads... Father Dan Donovan
Jesus applies the image of the shepherd to himself in today's gospel. "I am the good shepherd," he says. One who fulfils his responsibilities, no matter what opposition or what difficulties he has to face. he good shepherd, protects his flock no matter who or what threatens them In today's reading, his focus is less on the threat that such people represent to believers, and more on himself as the model of the good shepherd. Of a committed and dedicated spiritual leader, one who is willing to make caring for his flock and focus-- the focus of his life and energy.
In the Catholic Church, May is the Month of Mary, a time in which we honour Our Blessed Mother, Mary. The Christian tradition of dedicating the month of May to the Blessed Virgin dates back to the 13th century.
"This is the month in which, in the churches and individual homes, the most affectionate and fervent homage of prayers and devotions from the hearts of Christians are raised to Mary,” wrote Pope Paul VI in his Encyclical on the Month of Mary, 1967.
During the month of May, an altar is erected in churches and in many homes, with a statue or picture of Mary surrounded by flowers. The altar stands from May 1 to 31 as a reminder of Mary’s importance in our lives and in the life of the Church.
In addition to daily devotions, Marian celebrations include a May Crowning, when a wreath of flowers is placed on Mary’s head in an expression of love and devotion to our Heavenly Mother.
14imagecourtesy:Annie vanitha.


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