Daily Message

from the book, "" Christianity in India: Its true face""
It is only gradually that the Tribal comes to see that Christianity's greatest gift is Christ, the one who brings God's love within human reach.
To conclude the above observations, the exterior step by which one joins Christianity may be abrupt or even traumatic, but it is always felt as a liberation and a home coming. Christianity is fully in line with the traditional religion. This ought not really to surprise even those who have scant knowledge of either creed. Christianity, after all, is not an invention of the Modern West. It was born in a tribal region of Western asia, whose religion, is recorded in the old testament, was not unlike that of the Mundas. It developed many of its rituals among the farming population of Europe- then still largely tribal. The tribals of India come to their own in Christianity.
The question still remains whether it helps the Tribal to take his rightful place, integrated in Indian society. Here we can be brief.
Some authors hold that the Tribals have little religion and therefore no religious aspiration. They may be hard upto explain how it is that as soon as they turn to Christianity, a large number of young tribal boys and girls are found ready to commit themselves to a life of abnegation and service as priests, brothers and sisters. In the religious field, the Christian tribals compete at the world level.Hundreds have joined Mother Teresa in her work. Others lead a contemplative life. Some have taken work in foreign countries, not excluding Europe and America. Tribals fill the highest posts in their local Christian churches. WE incidentally note that in Christianity, as in the traditional religion, there is no priestly caste: all men are equal before God.
First edition of the book is in the year 1981.
Have a goodevening!
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