Daily message

from ikigai book...
3. Nurture your friendships every day
" Getting together with my friends is my most important ikigai. we all get together here and talj- It's very important. I always know l'll see them all here tomorrow, and that's one of my favorite things in life."
"my main hobby is getting to gether with friends and neighbours".
" Talking each day woth the people you Love, that's the secret to a long life."
"i say," Hell9!' and 'see you later!' to the children on their way to school, and wave at evrryone who goes by me in their car.'Drive safely!' I say. Between 7.20 a.m. and 8.15 a.m., I' m outside 9n my feet the wholevtime, saying hello to people. Once eceryone's gone, I go back inside."
" Chatting and drinking tea with my ne8ghbours.That's the best thing in life. and singing together."
" I wake up at five every morning, leave the house, andxwalk to the sea.Then I go o a friend's house and we have tea together. thats the secret to long lufe: getting together with people, and going from place to place."
buona sera!


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