Daily Message

Prayers said in silence is always beautiful. As the church bell rings, I pray that all the negative vibrations get removed from me and all the people around me. Sometimes at home or when we go out and come from visiting a public place, or an online meeting, it is always good to do a spiritual cleansing. Once we open our hearts and minds and let the cleansing happen, empty our unwanted thoughts, we can invite Archangel Michael and His band of Mercy angels to vaccuum clean our minds and heart and spirits and hence our total auras. When we are filled with some negative thoughts, it is good to have a bowl of water with rock salt in our rooms wherever we are. And we can say a small prayer to God and the angels to remove the negativity from wherever it is stuck in our bodies. A beautiful cleansing is a healing by itself. Once cleansed, God and the angels have more space to fill us with love and mercy. I feel even our prayer music should be soothing at the same time vibrant. It should calm our minds instead of bringing out too many thoughtforms from within us. Always good to pray to the Angel of music, before we compose music or lyrics. God's love is so special for us, that there are angels for everything we do on earth. WE just need to invoke them, Today I invoked God and the angels, especially Archangel Raphael to heal the health of my loving father. However, they are in old age, in our youngage, they have taken care of us by working hard, saving money for the children, protecting us through our teens, held my daughter when she cried through the night as a baby soothing her back to sleep, and now even in his memory loss stage, the name of my daughter brings a smile to his lips, the memories of the eldest grand child is always special. Today I pray to God and the angels, that my daughter comes home soon to her mother's heart where her home is always. Mother Mary, Queen of Angels, Help of Christians, Please pray for us. All of us, irrelevant of the religion they belong to, can pray to God and the angels. Angels and Archangels always have their own way of touching us in our lives, just pray with faith and see the miracles happen. Have a beautiful evening! Buona sera! Please post your comments or send it to annievanitha444@gmail.com


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