Daily Message

Today I feel inspired to pray to the Angel of Music. Recently, I have heard difficulties in hearing to the music with my ears. As the quote in my homepage says,""If trouble hearing angels' song with thine ears, try listening with thy heart." - Terri Guillemets Sometimes we all find it hard to listen to the voice of God in our ears. We need to go before His presence , the days I cannot go to church, I visualise my favorite sacred places which I have visited, and try listening with my heart. God and the angels are sure to speak to us. Also we need to cleanse ourselves if we cannot hear the voice of God in our ears. Even drinking lots of hotwater will flush out the toxins in our physical body. Also when we pray, its good to light lavender candles or incenses, that also cleanses our minds, and also takes our prayers to the God Almighty above. And always remember there are angels around us, and they love to carry our prayers to God. Every morning try to meditate for few seconds or minutes, according to your schedule that day, and God is sure to give you a blesssed day. Also walking to be fit is another good way to meditate on the day's events. Have a beautiful evening!


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