Daily Message

In the world around us, there are lots of people to discourage us. Thats why, we all need to pray to stay in happy and optimistic moods. There are lots of people to feel jealous with our upliftment, even the family members by saying this and that, destroy our good relationships with others. At the same time, others also need to be spiritually elevated and see the good in us, if they need to accompany us. At times, even our family members, by seeking advice from elders in their loneliness, are misled. So I would say, if we are asked to advice or listen to someone whoever it is, let us say a small prayer and listen to them so that only good comes out of us even if they are trying to send some negativity in our way. In fact, one of my favorite prayers is " Only good shall come to me and Only good shall go from me". I have seen in my life, when we learn to see the goodness in others, and surrender it to God, its definitley a boomerang, and we will get the goodness from the special someone God has sent our way. God and the angels are very good in sending good friends and good people in our way, and God cares about each and every one of us in beautiful ways and sends His angels to take care of us. Whatever religion you belong to, please continue to pray to your guardian angel and they are sure to guide you in the path of light. Buona sera!


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