Daily Message

How to be happy in this chaotic life? That's a question we each can ask our guardian angel. Whenever we find our peace in God, there is something that comes up from humans around us to dilute our piety and goodness and happiness. I invoke the presence of Archangel Michael at such times. Today morning also I did invoke the presence of Archangels with a good heart to protect me and the world. At times, the negativity that arises from others is so much, that I wonder even Archangel Michael refuses to visit the place! Thats the main reason, we should fill ourselves with the love of God, the Supreme Being above, the Almighty Omnipresent God, so that He alone can send His Powerful Angels to protect us! May all the Power belong to God Almighty and through His infintite Power, let Him protect us through His powerful Angels! Please continue to say the prayer to your guardian angels
Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God's love commits thee here. Ever this day, be at my side, to light, to guard, to rule, to guide.
You can all ask God for your guardian angel's name in your prayer whispers. Have a beautiful Sunday!#Guardianangel#ArchangelMichael


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