Daily Message

The outside breeze is good this evening. I wonder about the dynamics of the consequences of this pandemic which we are still unable to say post pandemic world. Sometimes even our loved ones or family around us do not give us positive words or talk to us and we do not know what they are frustrated about. They pass too many judgements and cause us to see more negativity instead of oneness. I am unable to see the light in Archangel Michael as I have been tuning in these past two days. We all still need to pray to Archangel Michael for a pandemic free world. Also when someone cares for us, we need to reciprocate with loving words. I as a healer, sometimes find these energies too harsh for me. The worst part is they say we do not use caring words. The dynamics of words and what they can do to a person, it can both heal as well as unheal. Sometimes I try to see too much good in people and get drained out also just to keep the peace with those persons. Also when we network with others, which is an art by itself, we need to be considerate and and at the same time smart, especially at work. As an alternative therapy healer, we are always advised to get the money instead of free service from the people who we counsel or heal. Sometimes words of free counseling gets lost in the wind. Even for our clients to receive the healing energies, it is much better we get an amount whatever is possible for them or keep a fixed charge. God has appointed so much of angels, it's upto us to pray to them and send petitions to the God above. I surrender and pray today to God and the Archangels to bless my petiitons and hope you will all join me in praying for me! Thank you! Also please feel free to comment below if these messages have helped you see the light and send your angel anecdote if you have been touched by angel healing energies in your life through my messages to annievanitha444@gmail.com Thank you!


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