Daily Message

I am sending this message late in the evening today. Today I needed few words of love and care. All of us need true love and caring words. It is good to pray to Archangel Raphael, when you need some healing words of love especially from your family. This emerald green Angel, is the patron Angel of doctors, nurses, healers and caretakers and all healthcare professionals. During this pandemic, all these people have done and are doing selfless service to the humanity. Each of us in spite of having a family and children at home, did our part to heal the world. It is good to continue to send our prayers to God and the angels, especially to take care of the environment around us whereever we live. Today in the evening, it was raining here, as I sat outside in the steps for sometime eating watermelon, there was lightning and thunder. Today I felt it's God way of assuring me about my daughter and loved ones are somewhere safe and missing me.As always I pray to Archangel Michael, to protect the world from unwanted calamities and Keep us all safe and healthy. Also it is good to pray to God and send the angels along, whenever we send emails or messages to others so that only good and positive vibrations reach them. Have a peaceful evening!


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