Daily Message

In today's world, what is the best way to relax? Whatever we do, when we let go of our worries and concerns, about the past or the present, we will be able to relax. For me, sitting and praying in an empty church, reading good books, while doing creative activiities, looking at the nature around me and talking to my loved ones, and thinking good and peaceful thoughts, arranging my rooms and keeping it clean, and lighting up fragrant candles and incences whenever I feel stressed out, and being near water even taking bath twice a day, washing my feet in turmeric water filled with neem leaves, shopping for good herbal products intuitively, going to nursery garden to buy some good plants and doing a google search on them for their spiritual meanings, gardening and the list goes on and on. Whatever we do, we need to do everything in a happy way. I do pray to my angels and guardian angels of my family too, to keep us safe and healthy,quite often.That gives me the strength to go on in life. Have a good evening!


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