Daily Message

It is always good to meditate upon beautiful images of Angels and Archangels. It is a practice in certain countries to keep angels, fairies and elves even, among the plants and trees in the garden. It is also beautiful to meditate upon good words from the scriptures of any religion. As Jesus said," Ask, and you shall receive". It is God's way of teaching us to manifest our needs and wants on earth. When we work, we can send our angels who are nearby, ( I strongly believe they are always roaming around humans!) to God, telling Him about our worries and concerns. When we send our petitions to God through angels, God has HIs beautiful loving ways of looking at it, and giving us all the supplies we might need after filtering it, maybe, like any good parent! Another beautiful way to manifest is, when we are in the church or in any religious place,
is to pray to God and bless the petitions we have with our open hands, palms facing downwards so that seeing our goodwill, God will bless us too! I have always loved the angel pictures with a trumpet in hand and angel pictures with a cornucopia in hand. Today also, let us pray for the planet we live and pray that all humans and animals be treated well. All of us have issues and challenges, if these positive messages help you in your life, at least a little bit, I will be glad. Have a beautiful day!


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