Daily Message

God helps us in so many ways, at times when we are unaware of it also. Its a noble thought to beleive in. In the recent days, I have a petition which I need to mainfest. It is always good to arrange our petitions in the priority order. At times, it is good to invite angels to pray along with us. A collective prayer is always answered. For me, family has always been my first priority. The day God made me a mother, is a beautiful day for me. In spite of all the pain, I cherish holding my first born. I remember the prayers, the songs I sang during my labor pain. Maybe this a message to all beautiful mothers out there. In the Lamaze class, they ask us to focus on a point in the wall, and inhale and exhale as we breathe, so as not to focus on the pain. So that the body could relax and the child gets pushed out in a relaxed manner. For me, the songs I meditated upon helped. I am sure each and every mother's experience will be unique. Maybe the angels of music were around me and carried my prayers to God. Always and always, the angels, the loving messengers of God, when we ask them to intervene for us they will, sometimes holding a trumpet also or any other musical instrument of their choice, I think. Have a peaceful day!


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