Daily message

Congratulations to Deacon Paul Henderson and Deacon Peter Shankland
Congratulations to Deacon Paul Henderson and Deacon Peter Shankland, both faithful members of this parish, who were ordained as deacons for the Archdiocese on Wednesday 14th June in the Basilica of St Paul Outside the Walls in Rome. Our pilgrimage group of 52 parishioners and our Schola Cantorum choir attended the ordination Mass. Please keep both deacons in your prayers as they study for the priesthood.
...... The course with Prof. James Edwards will be held the week of 23-27th October from 7pm-9pm each evening and tickets are on sale now on Eventbrite. Visit https://bit.ly/Jesus-in-GospelofMark to book your place today! The mini course will be a wonderful opportunity to get to know the Scriptures better, but also to get to know Jesus better. Ticket options include weeklong tickets (£50 with tea/coffee or £75 with a glass of wine at the interval), a single night ticket (£10 with tea/coffee) and a pre-event light supper deal (£50 for one supper each evening for all 5 nights provided by Coffee Saints).
Tickets on Sale for Parish Potluck Social, Saturday 24th June Join us for our parish potluck Social Evening on Saturday, 24th June, 7pm-10pm in Coffee Saints café, Little King Street — a wonderful opportunity to meet your fellow parishioners. Tickets are on sale after all Masses this weekend or you can secure a ticket by emailing the parish office and paying on the night: Adults £10, Children £5, including hot food and choice of dessert. All proceeds benefit the Cathedral. A cash bar will be available for cocktails, wine, beer and soft drinks. If you can bring a dish or would like to volunteer please email the parish office at cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk or call 0131 556 1798.
Comings and Goings…
Just to let you know that there are some moves happening early August for the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan, who have been based in our parish for almost seven years and who have made an invaluable contribution to the life of the parish. Sister Mary Pierre, who has been with us since 2016, will be moving to Phoenix, Arizona and Sister Anna Marie to Breuberg, Germany. Their presence in the parish in Ravelston has been a great support to me and the other priests, as well as to all of you. We thank both Sisters for their generous service and offer them prayers and best wishes in their new roles. They will be greatly missed by us all. Sister Miriam Fidelis remains in her role at the Cathedral; she will be the Superior and will be joined at St Andrew’s Convent by two other Sisters. Please keep all of the Sisters in your prayers!
Young Adults Day Trip to Melrose Abbey, Abbotsford
All young adults ages 18-35 are welcome to join us for our day trip to Melrose and Abbostford on Saturday 24th June. On the day, meet at Edinburgh Waverley the top of platforms 5 and 6 for 9.30am. Then we will walk from Tweedbank Station to Melrose Abbey, Abbotsford for Mass in the chapel used by St John Henry Newman, and then onto Galashiels. Please bring sensible footwear and a rain jacket- it is Scotland after all! To register, please contact Fr. Robert Taylor, FrRobert.Taylor@stan.ed.org.uk
Saturday Morning Eucharistic Adoration Take some time for quiet, peaceful prayer before Jesus Christ in the Eucharist here at the Cathedral. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is celebrated every Saturday 10:30am-12:00pm in the Cathedral. Come for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour…. or more. You may want to pray the Rosary or read the Scriptures, mediating on the readings for Sunday Mass. Saturday Confessions are from 10:30am-12:00pm.
Catenians Meeting on Wednesday at 7:00pm The Catenian Association invites all Catholic men, married or single, to a meeting this Wednesday, 21st June at 7.00 p.m.-8.00 p.m. in 63 York Place. The Association is an international body of Catholic laymen who meet once a month and offer friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives. For more information contact John Russell at 01555 728032 or membership@thecatenians.com.
Save the Dates: Festival Mass and Sacred Arts Concert
Sunday, 13 August: His Grace, Archbishop Cushley, will celebrate the annual Festival Mass at Noon at the Cathedral. Join us for this beautiful celebration of our Sunday Liturgy at the start of the week of our Cathedral’s patronal feast of the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 15th August in the season of Edinburgh’s International Festival.
Monday, 14 August: Acclaimed composer Paul Mealor will join us at St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral for a special performance of his music by the Schola Cantorum, in partnership with Edinburgh Festival of the Sacred Arts. As one of the world’s most performed living composers, Paul will talk to director of music Michael Ferguson about the sources of inspiration for his music, and the process of composing his works. It’ll be a unique opportunity to hear not only Paul’s stunning choral music, but also from the man himself.
Summer Sacraments Classes for Adults Begin 16th August
........ Parish Retreat 22-24 September 2023 at St Mary’s Monastery, Kinnoull
We will have a Parish retreat in September and many have already signed up. Spaces are still available! The Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral have organised the retreat for the whole parish on 22-24 September this year in the idyllic St Mary’s Monastery in Kinnoull (near Perth). The theme of the retreat is Allowing Jesus to Love You, and it will be led by Fr Charlie Corrigan CSsR. Places are limited so please book now. The all-inclusive price is £200 (this includes a £50 non-returnable deposit). To book please email ppccathedral@stmaryscathedral.co.uk.
2023 Marriage Preparation Courses Our next Marriage Preparation courses are Saturday 2nd September and Saturday 18th November at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, 10am-5pm, with presentations by married couples from the parish. Please email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk to register.
New Rosaries and Devotional Prayer Books at St Pauls Bookshop
Looking for a gift for a loved one? The St Paul Bookshop has received a new stock of beautiful rosaries and devotional prayer books, as well as a resupply of statues of Jesus and Mary. These are all very popular items and there are many to choose from! You can always shop the second-hand bookshelf, too, and find a treasure to enjoy for your spiritual reading this summer. Donations of used Catholic books in good condition are welcome! Hours: Tuesday-Sunday, 10am-5pm (closed Mondays), 0131 510 4260, edinburgh@stpauls.org.uk.
Legion of Mary – Students & Professionals Group
The Legion of Mary is a lay association of Catholics which seeks to help its members grow in holiness through devotion to Our Lady and by carrying out works of mercy. All are welcome to join. Our presidium name is Our Lady Cause of our Joy. We meet every Monday at 7:00 pm at 63 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3JD. We are a group of mixed male and female members, students and professionals and from different countries, cultures. For more information contact phone number: Monika - 07751213612, Atama – 07832903514
Afternoon Tea Thank You
A big Thank You to all the bakers, helpers and those who attended our parish Afternoon Tea on 9th June! The ticket sales came to £210, which has been allocated to the fund for refurbishment of the Church room.
Each Wednesdays 5:00pm Adoration & Confession On Wednesday evenings Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions are available at St Andrew’s. Adoration begins at 5:00pm, concluding at 5:45pm, with Mass at 6:00pm.
Save the Date: Ravelston Parish Barbecue on Sunday 3rd September
The annual St Andrews parish barbecue will take place on Sunday September 3rd this year, 12:30pm. It's always a very enjoyable afternoon and a great opportunity to get involved and meet fellow parishioners both old and new. We will of course need volunteers on the day. More details will follow over the summer, but in the meantime.....save the date!
Job Vacancy: Director of Property The Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh is seeking to appoint a Director of Property (full-time) to provide management and oversight of all church properties within the Archdiocese and also of Mount Vernon Cemetery. For full job details and how to apply visit bit.ly/propertydirector2023. Closing date for applications is Thursday 29 June. Interviews scheduled for Thursday 6 July.
Theology MA Programme at St Mary’s University Edinburgh Campus
The MA in Applied Catholic Theology offered by St Mary’s University in Scotland begins in September. The campus is at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Rd, EH9 1BB. The course provides a thorough grounding in key aspects of Catholic theology and develops the skills to apply that theology to the challenges and opportunities of the contemporary world. Learn more and register at https://www.stmarys.ac.uk/edinburgh
Vocations Mass This Friday at St. Margaret’s, South Queensferry
The next Mass to pray for Vocations to the priesthood and religious life is at 7pm on Friday 23 June at St Margaret’s, Hope View, Loch Road, South Queensferry, EH30 9LS. To read more about discerning a vocation to the priesthood and religious life, visit https://archedinburgh.org/vocations/.
Help for Marriages: Online Retrouvaille Programme 6th- 9th July
Retrouvaille is a programme to support couples who have difficulties in their marriage. The programmes bring new hope and help nourish your marriage. Retrouvaille England and Wales is delighted to offer an online Retrouvaille programme 6th- 9th July 2023. Learn more at www.retrouvaille.org.uk.
The Way of St. Andrews Scottish Pilgrimage Enjoy being a pilgrim in Scotland! Try one of the eight great pilgrim ways wending their way quietly through Scotland’s diverse and scenic landscape to St Andrews. Great trails, great scenery and a great opportunity for reflection. To plan your pilgrimage route and get more information please visit http://www.thewayofstandrews.com/.
And finally…Don’t forget to Visit Coffee Saints Café Today – All Day Brunch! Our very popular Coffee Saints café is a social enterprise partnership between the Cathedral and the Grassmarket Community Project. This means that every time you make a purchase at Coffee Saints you support some of Edinburgh’s most vulnerable people. Browse the full menu, including All Day Brunch, Lunch Stuff and delicious Thick Shakes, Smoothies and Coolers at https://www.coffeesaints.co.uk/. All kids meals £5.75 plus a free Fruit Shoot! Of course, there are coffees, teas and even Superfood Lattes. The café is open 7 days a week 9:00am-4:00pm! You can book online through itison for a Coffee & Traybake or Brunch for two at https://bit.ly/CoffeeSaintsDeals.
Read the newsletter for 18th June (pdf)
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Have a blessed day!
image courtesy: annie vanitha
titled: day and night


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