Daily message

from the book,""Wings of Fire", An autobiography APJ Abdul Kalam with Arun Tiwari
There are many different types and levels of experience that turn the internal power reaction critical. Sometimes, when we are ready, the gentlest of contacts with Him fills us with insight and wisdom. This could come from an encounter with another person, from a word, a question, a gesture or even a look. Many a time, it could come even through a book, a conversation, some phrase, even a line from a poem or the mere sight of a picture. Without the slightest warning, something new breaks into your life and a secret decision is taken, a decision that you may be completely unconscious of, to start with.
I lloked around the elegant lounge. Somebody had left a book on a nearby sofa. As if to fill the small hours of that cold night with warm thoughts, I picked up the book and started browsing. I must have turned only a few pages of the book, about which I do not remember a thing today.
It was some popular book related to business management. I was not really reading it, only skimming over paragraphs and turning pages. Suddenly, my eyes fell on a passage in the book, it was a quotation from George Bernard Shaw. THe gist of the quote was that all reasonable men adapt themselves to the world. Only a few unreasonable ones persist in trying to adapt the world to themselves. All progress in the world depends on these unreasonable men and their innovative and often non-conformist actions.
Image Courtesy: Joseph Joyson ofm cap.


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