Daily Message

From a book on Angel Detox...
Spirulina: The Green Superfood
Spirulina is an easily digestible superfood. It's a microalgae that absorbs nutrition from the sun and its weary surroundings. When viewed undera microscope, spirulina looks like tiny green spirals. This connects is with the healing emerald light of Archangel Raphael. As you consume spirulina, Raphael is given access to your body and works to dissolve any blockages, as well as increasing your vitality.He opens up your heart with this green energy, as evrything that comes from love is healing. Once you get over the initial taste and smell, you'll come to love your green drinks.
From the ikigai book...my higlighted words ...
Öur brains can take in millions of bits of information but can only actually process a few dozen per second. When we say we're multitasking, what we're really doing is switching back and forth between tasks very quickly. Unfortunately, we're not computers adept at parallel processing. We end up spending all our energy alternating between tasks, instead of focusing on doing one of them well....Technology is great,if we're in control of it. It's not so great if it takes control of us.....Several studies conducted at Stanford University by Clifford Ivar Nass describe our generation as suffering from an epidemic of multitasking.
from the book on Pope Francis' encounters with Mary...
The Ukranian Cathedral, which Bergoglio knows well, has traces of Byzantine architecture, the so-called Ukranian Baroque. It has three naves and its domes are reminiscent of Slavic church buildings. This church has five domes that represent Jesus Christ surrounded by the four Evangelists. The front globe of the church shows the image of the Patroness of the Cathedral, ""Our Lady of the Patrocinium."" also known as Pokrov. The icon depicts Mary standing with outstretched arms holding a white veil.
Pokrov in the Slavic languages(Russian, Ukraine, etc.) has a complex meaning. Firstly, it refers to a cloak or veil, but can also be understood as protection or intercession. Various Easter European icons that depict Mary as the Protectress or intercessor for humankind have some common elements. The full-length depiction of Our Lady standing is central to this type of icon in which Mary holds acloak or veil that protects suffering humanity. The corresponding liturgical feast, celebrated both by the orthodox an the Byzantine Churches, is known under the title "Intercession of the Mother of God."It is an important feast day especially in Russia and Ukraine.
From the ayurvedic book...on athlete's foot...
People with kapha-pitta constitutions, who sweat a lot, are most prone to get athlete's foot. This is an itchy, inflammatory condition between the toes , often accompanied by sweating on the soles of the feet.Athlete's foot can be effectively treated with Ayurvedic remedies. Begin by cleaning the problem area with some teatree oil on a cotton swab. The natural antiseptic oil is widely available in natural food stores and elsewhere.
Have a blessed day!


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