Daily message

I've heard it said that the only difference between a flower that is alive and one that is dead is that the live flower is growing. This is the true test of spiritual growth and whether you are raising your vibrations to be in harmony with spirit.Are you growing? Are you better than you used to be? Here is how Lao Chu put it several thousand years ago.It applies today and it will apply several thousand years from now.
At birth all people are soft and yielding.
At death they are hard and stiff.
All green plants are tender and yielding.
At death they are brittle and dry.
When hard and rigid
We consort with death.
When soft and flexible,
We affirm greater life.
You Must Slow Down To Speed Up Your Spiritual Energy.
Ironically the fast-paced frantic activity is a very slow form of energy. When your mind and your body are in a constant state of worry and anxiety, analyzing and figuring, always on the go, meeting deadlines and scurrying to keep the next appointment, remember, that in the world of physical form the actual energy pattern is extremely slow. It is only when you approach the energy waves of light and spirit that the vibrations are faster. Light waves, although appearing motionless vibrate much faster than the frequencies of solid matter.
From the book by Wayne W.Dyer.
Have a wonderful day!


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