Daily message

from the book on " Healing negative thoughts and feelings with meditation and yoga"...
today one of my friend said that anotget friend might be going through a heaktg issue and i hope this passage helps her as mych as it helps me!
" While focusing on the chakra, let a scene from nature apoear in your mind.Note that this is not a visualisation exercise. the mind doesn't need your help but rather it needs for you to get out of the way.so your only job is ti keep your attention focused on the " opening" in the chakra, gently breathe in and out, and be mindful of any scene that appears in your mind without searching, choosing, or editing. note the scene and open your eyes. the solar plexus chakra is fire energy so any amount of wYer or darkness here will signify the presence of some negative aspects, such as worry or fear and/or too much thinking. additionally, with all the chakras, a wide open space is always important.
people often say," but if i know what scene is supposed to be there, won't this intergere with the infornation that comes?" No. the information is coming from the deep mind and you cannot control the deep mind. it operates according to truth and, as long as you open to ot mindfully and stay out of the way, it will communicate the truthful scene.
try this exercise and then cross-reference the scene information you obtain with the lists showing the positive and negative attribures of a chajra and see if it reflects how you are actually thinking and ferling.
i remember my spiritual director who gifted me with this book, asking me back for the book but i refused ti give him back.
thats myvreflection from the mind chakra! in my heaet chakra, i am hugging my daughter! 10have a blessed day!
image courtesy: Joseph L Etchingham


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